Buying SC2 invites

Hi I am buying some SC2 invites so if someone is willing to make a deal please contact me (would prefer unused).

I will be buying them for 20$.

The money will be transfered by paypal,moneybookers or via a pokerclient.

Please PM
make sure u give me 1 =)
Are you nuts? the crack is out, all AI levels are out, 12 2vs2, 4vs4 maps out, ??????
still you can't play vs real opponents @ and @ ladders etc...

it's just good to watch some replays imo...
can you play against Computer already?
Nope, you can't play against players, but I find sufficient, why spend 20€ on a beta key if the game comes out within 6-7 months and you can play against AI.
proper link plz (via pm)
you can easily get $200-250 for them @ ebay
nice fail man go ebay and sell em for 200$ nice try faggot
Not really, I am actually willing to give 50$ for one if someone has one. I'm not that type that sells them for totally overprice.

So if you have one or more I will buy them for 50$ per key.
not so nice 2nd try!
I know you can get them cheaper than what I'm offering :-)
i know that i could get 200 bucks out of this piece of code so why would i give it to u for 50$?
haha 20$
just wait for the fucking game and buy it for 40€ :::D
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