Blumans and HenQs journey to CIC 7

Oke so hi.

Today i heard a nice news.

Since i had a plan to get myself into the lans and also stealing mAuses cfgs and selling em on ebay, well yeh i told this plan to mr. Bluman aka cb adminstration he was interested about it and i promised to give the cfgs free for em (pallot) if Bluman pays my travels, hotels and drinks. So he accepted and wanted to get into the actions also.So now we are traveling together. I hope its going to be a nice trip. We had already planned so much things to do. Heres some examples :

-we decided to share a plane with finnish singer anna abreu ( i quess bluman is going to shaq her so the fligt will be pretty boring to me but ill try to survive.

- we also decided to go and get some relaxing drugs so when the "ironfist" bluman has taken some beers too many and getting agressive, he wouldnt do the same he did in the bout last week (1.5 weeks to jail).

im sorrrrry for my english but im just too exited i cant even hide it :<.
too bad that anna is flying to the wrong way so we need to take normal plane. Oh btw we might join QL tourney if there will be free spot. Hard praccing starts today!!
damn but i wanted to see anna :( maybe we get sponsors to QL if we download the game fast and start praccing ??
10€ to get 1k intel shit is worth it
jesh... we can also be pro gamers then and make our living with games. we must do this !
hey soul sister, aint that mister mister on the radio, stereo, the way you move aint fair you know!
I don`t even want to believe :P
don't feed em.
doesnt make sense + not funny
dno what doesent make sens and its not ment to be funny...
I hope they really go to LAN so someone can fuck them up.
why you hope bad things for us :( ?
theres no need to guess whos the winning team on premier this season x)
haha lol :D
not funny + doesnt make sense
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