imagined my hollidays diffrent!

have been in hospital for a whole week because of a damaged kidney
had a snowboard crash on the first day of my holliday :(
still in a hotel in austria now, flying home tommorow
wasnt allowed to walk for a whole week, wtf
hf at cc
sad to hear! i hope you get better soon :)
you're so sweet :)
that fucking sux so badly. Shit way to start of your hols dude get better!
oh man that's crap, get well man!
Aww that sux :/ hope you get better soon :)
wtf mate? cmon please you tell me you're pro snowboarder and then you go crash or kidney..
im fucking disappointed! well get home m8 and we can stone some ET
best thoughts from me my love <3
it was 2 ramps in a row and took the first one okeish and than i had way to much speed for the second and landed way too much forward so crashed on my head:p luckily i had helmet on and than role down:p sucks so much
anyway ur birhtday is incomming niggar
english sux balls in here:D mz cab is gonna take me to insbruck airport or smth in austria now bbbbbbbbb<3
what ensam said.
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