Happy Schlupftag PaRzi!

Happy Schlupftag to PaRzii!
She's getting realy old by now with reaching the age of 22!
so all have a little compasion and give her a warm happy birthday

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So now it's time to unpack some presents and have a good day
and cyu next year!

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alles gute!
happy bday :*
happy bday :D
happy bday :-*
alles gute liebe Carla :)
alles gute lieber Michael :)
alles jute :)
hb carla O:
hb undso :)
thank chu all <3 :)
& Happy Birthday dear Anonymous HansoO, Schlupftags-Freund :)
off to work!
Happy birthday :)
parziiiiiiiiii happy birthday <3
happy birthday du alte matz
happy birfday, aight!!
happy birthday :)
Alles Gute :)
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