Ready, Steady, LAN!

Hello /cf/!

I'm pretty much all packed & ready for travelling to Enschede tomorrow! There was a slight scare today when I was checking my flights online and saw no seat number or price next to my booking. So I phoned KLM who told me my booking had expired (WTF). The chick who took my booking over the phone forgot to mention I must pick the tickets up within 24-72 hours of making the booking otherwise the spot would become available for somebody else! Luckily there was still seats available on the flight and I can pick up my ticket tomorrow!

I want you people to suggest some music for me to take on my iPod for travelling. Absolutely any type of music. Ideally some dubstep, electro or trance!

So who's all going to CIC7? Come & see me, I'm fat, so you can find me easily (next to all the food). I'll buy you a beer if you buy me a burger!

image: girlan
image: 1267570633835
image: 6616_240391405042_530765042_8447218_7266709_n

Goodnight fair fellows!
hf and cu there :-)
Ratatat - LP3 album.

Enjoy the trip!
Thanks, getting the whole discography now!
oh that would have been shit if u noticed when u were already at the airport and room booked and shit :p
coco wants me to dress as william wallace, do you think theyll let me on the plane? >.<

neway c u ther

TY <3
It's already in my bag!
Not sure if you're checking IRC so another suggestion here; Emalkay

I guess dl'ing the discography should do the trick again :>!
I'm bringing Flyleaf for the trip, but that's not exactly the right genre ;)
I actually don't mind Flyleaf. However, the chick's voice is only really suited to the heavier tracks. I don't know too much about them, though.

Btw, we still on for tomorrow? :P
Ye, ofc we are. You can listen to my flyleaf if you like (I'll bring my 3.5mm jack splitter), but tbh if you're mostly into electro/trance you won't like it :D
We'd look like a right nice couple doing that.

Well, I can't find my splitter atm, so it might not happen, loverboy!
Haha. Too bad!

Off to bed, see you tomorrow!

I've been searching for that Alice D In Wonderland song for such a long effin' time!
Never knew who the artist was!

You just made my day, thank you!
Haha, you're welcome!
You xouls have asked me :P
Kesha - Animal album

Fucking awesome

tulay is cute
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