camera boy?

Is any1 making videos this lan

Starzi did a great job last year
Heard he might get his HD cam with him this time but im not sure
I had an idea about making a video of things that Poland doesn't have, if enough people are interested, I'll make the video.
interested but cba to watch a movie for over 24 hours..
interested but cba to watch a movie for over 24 hours..
We'll have random starzi coverage videos & interviews, but also pictures of the entire event & pictures of all the teams.
Yes, I will be doing pretty much the same as last year, with a little bit more coverage, videos...etc. Hopefully it will be an improvement on the last event aswell!
impossible ;)
Those videos were great :D
nice dude, you doing great job :)
Need a drunk meez video for my wank bank. That okay?
the crossfire gallery is still broken :(
Sup with me?? i made pics last lan "D
i'm brining my camera and filming shit but i dont suppose people will want to see my videos
ill make some intervieuws:))
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