CIC7 Malaysian edition

CIC7 is closing in on us. You barely can look next to it due to the excessive spam of CC7 journals including this one. Although this one is about the CIC7 Malaysia Malaysian editon instead of the known Netherlands Dutch variant.

Therefore I was wondering if there will be coverage as well? And why hasn't there been anything posted about it except the following >>

Happy fragging in Netherlands Enschede!
waiting for CIC7 laotian edition
waiting for CIC7 catalan edition
waiting for CIC7 england edition
not waiting
waiting for CIC7 epica edition
waiting for CIC7
waiting for CIC7 poland edition
I lol'd IRL a bit
Like offline would get you rid of your lags?
waiting for cic8 uk edition
crossfire taking over the Multiplay i-Series , fun
waiting for CIC7 Armenian edition, hope to see many turkish teams attend
is it actually taking place? oO
just googled a bit and i cant find anything apart from the announcement.
April fools' Day is a bit too early for it being a joke besides it's not called cic7 according to the organisation but unfortunately it doesn't state how the event is called..

Oh well Netherlands is where the real games are played!
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