do you listen to music while u study?

what music do you like listening to? any specific genre, band, song? personally, i like listening to coldplay a lot, makes me more relax and concentrate somehow, and i manage to study for hours with them

go fuckyouselfs then piece of nerds, i hope you die with ur shit scores and ur anus is full of fags rapping it
im listening to dredg/gorillaz :-)
smth to chill. atm Matisyahu / City And Colours / Elliott Smith
i listen to just normal music I listen to otherwise

pendulum + dnb
classical/ambient stuff

sigur rós
matthew robert cooper
the flowers of hell
sunday munich

oh, i remember sigur ros
listed to them once at school

what album could u recommend me from sigur ros?
takk... is probably the most accessible, but my favorite is agaetis byrjun
downloading takk, Ágætis Byrjun and Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust

added The Flowers Of Hell - Come Hell Or High Water but dling with less than 1kb
is there a possibility of u uploading it for me x) ?

thanks for the recommendations btw
sigur ros is awesome studying music
idd! i recommend the flowers of hell btw, not quite sigur røs level but solid shit
shh dude, ur a jew
shut the fuck up nerd

keeps good track enough, see yourself
ambient and trance are my first choices

but when I get tired ( and that usually happens when I pull an allnighter ) then I listento some heavier music like metallica, linkin park, or electro even
any examples?
infected mushroom, yahel, kai tracid ( for trance )

and for ambient i just google/torrent mixes, don't know any artists sorry

because i never study
i dont because i always swift off and concentrate too much on the music and the lyrics most of all
i dont study much anyway, so the 10mins per week is the only time im not listening to music
sometimes some hiphop instrumental, peter rock , 9th wonder, alchemist, dilla
got a hiphop playlist specially made for studying artists like 2pac, nas, and more of those good lyricists (before the year 2000)
study music should be instrumental for obvious reasons
i get where you come from with that, but to study every second isnt good either i just study like 5-10 minutes listen to a song for a minute or so then i keep going again. mos tof the times i dont even notice i have music on :D
ofc i do, basically just everything i like
cocteau twins
sigur ros
yo la tengo

pretty much any good ambient/shoegaze/dream pop music does the trick
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