what is in_dgamouse?


i am trying to find out why my et is always using r_picmip 3 allthough
i don't have it in any damn cfg. then i've checked my ASE and saw this
command .. dunno what it is and why it's there.. what is this for??

i just need to know what in_dgamouse is for ..

i have fixed the picmip issue
i dont think that some input command would be responsible for your gfx (r_picmip) setting
Basically, with in_dgamouse 1 enabled you can create a ton of mouse 'delay'
picmip 3 > * anyway Q

but euhm, r_picmip 1 is probably in your etconfig.cfg in etmain or etpro, sometimes these commands refuse to get overwritten
So add picmip cmd to your cfg with your value and problem solved. You can also check that tutorial:
it's from linux client enabling direct input or raw input dunno
what h8m3 said
what PeterPan said
in_dgamouse values only works with linux afaik
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