
got sum email from ebay bout Samsung YP-Q2-JEB (16gb) for 70euro..
does/did anyone use it and can tell bout whether it is worth to be bought (for that price)..

image: g_02635070
Sure, why not, it is cheap. Though Samsungs have always been really annoying to use, not sure about newest models, but I doubt they have changed their interface so much...

And now when I use my eyes, I see that you weren´t talking about cellphone :) No idea about mp3-stuff.

ye, always used my mobile, but can only get 3gig on it, therefore i needed a mp3player for some time already, but dunno a ting bout quality & all this video&gamestuff which is on it and whether it rly is cheap
3gig is more than enough, at least for me. It isn´t such a hard thing to fix playlist when you get bored on it...
you can buy new phone for that money!
i have a phone..
if you buy phone with music player, you wont need to carry mp3 and phone.
i need moar space, bwoi
to expensive
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