denton ownage

sick ownage against dicknitas by denton. denton new Ati_

image: denton
Upstairs defence. <3
thought his damage would more
Hype @ lan
you are is my idol
hax for sure!
score of that game?
4-0 dignitas ofc, was not a very close game

~2000 of that damage was all from spamming back stairs if im not wrong
60 kills at the end
Guess d. gonna trade night for denton now
8min to plant east & west, gratz fuckup
upstairs defence is so lame :(

pretty much says it all :DF
lol n1 ^^
hey sexy
sexy cfg you got thar
send plx?
haha I dont understand how I managed to get more dmg than ferus since I played the whole attack with r_crosshairx 3
and r_crosshairY 2

what a noob >DDDD
Upstairs defence is kinda lotto, but I guess when you do it right this is the result, so wp to him
srly, r u kidding ?
matias was just giving ammos @ spawn aka xpsave style, engies attacked alone without medics 'support which is not typical for that team 8)
& dignitas even teamkilled each other on purpose a couple of times.
they were just fucking around.
that's why that denton guy got highest fragger & good stats
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