R_mode for widescreen

I got this new Philips 22" screen which is made for Full-HD with size 1920x1080
Atm. I use for my windows screen 1680x1050 because that seems to be the best for this wide screen tbh

I thought perhaps of using the r_mode for 1600x1200? or what is the best r_mode for ET when you got a screen like this?
r_mode 8
r_mode -1
r_customwidth 1920
r_customheight 1080

r_mode 9 aka 1600x1200 is a 4:3 resolution :P
what peterpan said
indeed what peterpan said and you should use the native resolution on your desktop aswell, there's no reason to put it lower :-)
There is, some monitors are not capable of using over 60 Hz while using their native resolution.
Yes I agree but actually you can easily get used to that because when I still played ET, I owned tons of 'so called nerds' who claim that playing with 60hz is impossible, you need atleast 75 or 120...

But you got a point there ;)
FPS wise it's better to use a lower resolution too, like my computer is easily able to handle 1280x1024 at 125 FPS, but many have problems with the stability of their FPS. For my part, I find it better to play with a lower resolution as it looks better when using r_picmip 3 and it surely is a lot more stable FPS wise.
Again you make a point BUT you are looking at a whole configuration, i'm only looking at the screen, the reason why you are using a lower resolution aka less demanding from the pc is to make up for the 'failure' of an other part of your pc. You don't use a lower resolution because the monitor is better off with it, you use it because it demands less from your processor and videocard and therefore giving better preformance overall of your computer...

So yet again I have to say, I understand what you mean but you MAKE UP for something else... It's not something that would be only done by taking into account the monitor would benefit from it... ;)
squall uses 60hz
Indeed because it's not that much of a big deal ;) Yeah sure maybe in the first few days/weeks you feel like it's not smooth at all, but once your used to it, everything is fine and you'll be able to own as much as you could before with your so called better screen...

As for screens one of the more important specs to look at it is the contrast for instance...

The higher the contrast, the better the screen ofc but not going into detail on this, just stating that it's more interesting to look at rather than the refresh rate(don't get me wrong, the RESPONSE TIME(which is not the same) is important. You'd rather get a 22 inch monitor with a response time lower than 8ms and you're fine. Monitors with 22ms etc are rare but they indeed suck..:p
I have 24" widescreen with 60hz and 2ms gtg and im fine with it
Thanks for proving my point :) It's normal your fine with it because it just IS FINE xD
60hz on a crt give you headache and eye cancer after 2 minutes :D
I'm speaking about LCD's ;)
How can 1680x1050 be better for a full hd monitor if even the aspect ratio is not right?
Pretty wierd actually, but when I change the resolution to 1920x1080 - It actually is "to big" so like the bottom of the desktop is missing - Still working on to find a reason why that happens.
There should be some buttons on the side of your screen... One of them probably says "AUTO". Press it.
what PeterPan said, the only 1 compatible reso is full hd.
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