Dear folks,

We HighBot arrived last night around 21 and we had to play at 22 :D,
we played rly well last night let's see how far we can go today.


vs Normality 4-0
vs e-wave 4-2 (They won radar by 2 sec :D, we was allready screaming that we take a 4-0 victory home but then we need to make it on the decider, they also took a map from rockit good perfomance by them)

Group Final:

vs rockit 2-4

Today we need to focus on the game vs tMoe and depends if we win or lose on
Winner/Loser bracket.

We had to play almost 4on5 because ufol didnt show up, he was at Bad Boekelo and dont have a driver to attend.
But today finally hes with us !

A big thanks goes to Shmoe, he merced for us last night without any equipment
and without any drivers (1-18 on radar :D) but thanks goes to Moe he played rly well on objective,
hes a great person and helped us alot with it.

Well we meet allready everyone here, it's a great lan and we wish still everyone the best of luck and hf by watching guys.

good luck shmoe, nice mercing there :-)
but isn't shmoe tomek?
I'm glad you're enjoying it :)
shmoe verlorener s0hn
tomek yo
habby birthday
gud lack :)
he should of asked for 50 euros after he merced for you
die of aids fatass
fucking kanacke thief
gl, tmoe - hb will be exciting i hope
good luck!
no difference if shmoe would have had his equipment :D
du hast angerufen als ich ingame war, was war los? bist nimmer dran gegangen?
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