CIC 7 - tMoe vs HighBot

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Poland to Make odds even

Poland dialer
Poland edain
Poland FragStealer
Poland Krein
Poland numeric

Germany HighBot

Germany criatura
Turkey fireBall
Germany humm3L
Germany ScaTmaN
Poland uf0l

Who will take it? Polaks or Yermans?

Listen to my shoutcast:

[pl] Zapraszam wszystkich na mecz Winner Bracket. Przypominam o mozliwosc pozdrowienia kogos poprzez antene radiowa, wbijac na irca #cubecast i piszcie do malczika ;)

malczik komentuje
Good luck =]
because FragStealer is just a beast!
tak cu lan
would listen if you would be able to speak english
why just polish? does that shit make any sense to you fucking idiots.... more people speak english than ur shitty polish language... jesus christ no one is gonna listen to your ugly voice u dip shit
disappoint : [
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