GamesTV Live

Just like to say what a fucking awesome resource this is :-

Had that page open most of the day, games appear as they go live, click the "connect with qtracker" link and I'm watching the match a few seconds later. :)

I know you ET lot are used to this but I've not paid much attention to ET for a few years now, just thought I'd watch some CIC7 matches for old times sake and the service from has been amazing.

Supporting Rockit btw as Meez is the only person I know in any of those teams :)
Just 4 you <3
epic :D
Thanks! :)

More people should use the live page instead of trying to get a slot on the old (ettvd) servers while the match wont start anyway :P
How's it going Kendle? :o) Playing UrT still?

ps: our tshirts rock
I am indeed.

Nice to see you in a top team doing well, keep it up, I'll be watching the YYT game, whenever the hell it eventually starts :P
dignitas/blight have delayed the tournament like 4 hrs cos they wanted to sleep

setting up atm
when are u guys about to start ... ?
go gtv!!
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