7 Mar 2010, 02:06
Which team and who are they from left to right?
E: i hope the parents were present...
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
You got the tiny midget who is hanging from the shoulders of the two other guys, probably suspended about a foot off the ground. Then you have the gigantic 12 year-old in the middle who looks 5 years younger than everyone else but is somehow bigger than all of them combined.
*Grilliheijari, A powerful swing that generates force all the down from the tip of your pinkytoe, large amounts of alcohol and queu disagreements act as a catalyst for this action. Usually seen in front off fastfood booths that serve oil boiled Goods. Deadly when used.
Thanks for cracking me up at a sunday morning