@YYT cic7 interview

no. the person R0SS refers to about being rejected by a prostitute is NOT me.

i'm not sure who it is.
Q: How are you feeling after the massive amount of flame you've received by your appearance?
was feeling pretty sad at first but now i think it's quite funny!
Fuck the haters! Glad you turned up to LAN. Much respect!
thanks :]
I can't belive you actually flew to europe to play a video game, lol.
was also for the sake of seeing europe
And what are your first impressions of Europe? (well, there is not that much to see in just a single city, especially if the thing you are doing the most is playing, but still)
well i was at berlin as well. we took the train there.

it was quite nice. i think i'd like to live somewhere in europe someday. very different from usa
what did u pay in total for the lan actually? im curious :D
850 for plane ticket but we paid for it in bonus miles. costed a total of like 300 euros though for food etc.
Seeing Europe? And you're going to a place called Enschede.. bloody hell.
Barcelona, Lisbon, Rome, London, Prague.. ever thought of something like that?
You can play video games in your own country btw.
Your choices though, guess you don't care since daddy payed it.
Hair doesn't look cool, and a mohawk is horrible too, but guess you are a punk and listening to heavy metal and shit. That will just change with age I guess (clothes are horrible now as well).
And no, same as Solitude, I don't want to sound like a dick although I know I do.. just surprised how certain people are standing in the world (not only literally) :P
typical brit :D
Because of the criticism? If it's that, than it's just something West-European I guess..
As you wanted to see Europe, I would like to go on vacation to the USA.
I do think people are more dumb there, but also more optimistic and maybe more positive in life than the average European? Don't know though, just thoughts, never been there, only seen it in Hollywood :D
Nah nt pauz, just typical fckin sothern softy.. Come yorkshire so mch beta.. No clue y ppl say things et is a game ppl have in common, thats wot maters.. N if i came wuda seen sexiest eva brit haha
Why the fck would u wana see london tard? Bums, pigeons n gays in london thats al. N pauz u look sexi :p x
I wouldn't go to London myself, but it sure beats Enschede. Southern softy? Hmmkay.
That's very naive of you, very naive. There's more to LAN than playing video games. A lot more. Even I didn't know that until I came to one.
Indeed man. I think part of the difference between ET and CoD is that even the topplayers in ET aren't really attending for the game, but a lot for the other aspects of LAN. I sure as hell wouldn't risk my money if it was just a trip out to play games -> hotel -> play games -> hotel. For me it is closer to a holiday and in some aspects better than a holiday. For one I get to talk nerdshit at a bar and nobody bats an eyelid :D


always the same bullshit...
every single one in here is addicted to playing games and would call it their hobby when asked about but every single one denies it.
its so easy to say "just to play a stupid videogame" but that stupid videogame made thousands of guys play it 24/7, buy hacks to call oneself better than the other ones and since the lan is the only social event when playing videogames i guess its worth way more than just flying oversee
Every one? LOL
in general i d say yes...
else i couldnt believe that people just browse cf frequently due to its great information and the interesting comments of all the nerds :d
You obviously missed the points of attending a LAN such as CiC7!
right, mr landodger
I've quitted playing some time ago so why should I attend it then? Furthermore I don't have the money for things like that anymore ;]
dont make new teamsearchposts liek thrice a week nerd
As I said, quitted some time ago. To be more precise: two months ago. I guess you don't even know the meaning of "nerd" otherwise you wouldn't call me one...
sry, but i got my own definitions, too sad, you dont get them
Read my comments again and you'll find out.
Why that harsh? You used to be nicer ;]
low offline.. da braucht man sich nicht mehr online zu beweisen
Anders herum, Adrian!
No problem brah! Was cool to see you here. You having fun? :D
Not trying to be a dick but seriously though pauz do yourself a favour and get rid of that shit on your head its not a good look and its not gonna help you much in life as people will pre judge you on your appearance, narrow minded or not thats the fact of life.
it's a mohawk. i agree, it looks stupid when it's down, but i can't really play when it's up.

image: l_a5ca582f71031b7c5992862f36579342

that's my mohawk a few years ago. this one is much bigger and looks much cooler!
fuck the haters
they are just dickbag wnbs
Well everyone has his/her own style and looks. Nothing wrong with that but well quite annoying to see everyone taking on each other in a crude way despite the fact that they didn't turn up on the LAN venue due to their looks and lack of skill.
I'm curious, I was looking at flight tickets from Toronto Airport in Canada over to Amsterdam Airport and the costs are ridiculous. With accomodation and such added on, how much did it cost you to go and how did you manage to garner such a large sum (if it involved parents, I'm interested as to how you convinced them to let you go :P)?
it actually wasnt too bad. it costed me $850 american for the plane ticket but we paid for it with my dad's bonus miles. it costed a total of like 300 euros for food, hotel, etc.

i convinced my dad to pay for it because my brother took a trip to japan last summer, so he said i could go somewhere i wanted to go. i asked to go to cic7 :]
nice pickings
sup punk rejected by a prostitute
you should get an award on LAN :D
i thought ur a prostitute
no he's not romanian
Q:Have you ever been threatened to get beaten up cause of your looks in the states?
Q2:What kind of music do you listen to?
It's more 'normal' over there, especially in the hardcore/punk scene which is still zoooooooooooming in quite a few placez y0
it isn't normal over here..... I live in a hardcore/punk cultural hub and no one looks like that....

on a side note, I'm not trying to talk shit to pauz, just saying that your comment is incorrect :D
Guess they've started turning to faggot skinny jeans and size small tops like over here l0l There were plenty of people dressed like that kid when cro mags returned here along with other classics, just thought they'd still have em in NY etc
well I'm very into the hardcore scene and I don't dress like any of those things, I just wear a t-shirt and normal fitting jeans lol.....

but yeah, the majority of scene kids do dress like that and it is annoying :x
What bands are you into now then? ^_____^
my favorite band is death before dishonor, their a local band and I try and see them a few times a year, but its kind of hard now that they are touring around europe and stuff alot.....

I also like to listen to bury your dead, blood for blood, raw deal, lol even some minor threat and some against me (new wave/punk)

for metalcore its more like in flames(whatever they are considered), devil wears prada, white chapel
So you like more tough guy shit :(

the shows are nuts... when Death before Dishonor plays Boston Belongs to me in boston or the surrounding area..... it is insane....
Like our shows with the LBU and all those nerds then :P
rolf.. better look like punk, then look like zitface nerd :D
don't explain yourself to the narrow-minded ppl at crossfire. enjoy the LAN!
For the people that actually think it was pAuz you are mistaken. Was a 65 yr old man with no teeth.
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