Dear Tosspot #2

I demand a shoutcast w/o the video stream for the grand final at least!!

ps: isnt working :S or just extremely fucking slow ...
video stream is shit, need proper shoutcast
+ fuck 1

need audio shoutcast to go with the ettv!!
Please atleast for final use some audiostream, that video is shit/laggy etc. Thanks!
the video works perfecly for me! :o
Well do you prefer to watch that shit quality video over excellent audiocast/ettv ?
Well.. the quality is decent for me and the sound is good so why not :)
Do a screenshot of your quality and upload, thanks.
i had trouble reading the matchtime off of the vid to sync it with ettv. managed it though after 2 minutes
wtf I can see it perfect :S
Listen to their stream, and then watch the match @ etvv? :\
just sync up the stream your actual ET and it will be just like that.
we can do it now? Yesterday wasnt working ;(
i just did it for d. vs. tmoe
how do you sync up? never knew how to :/ what are you using when listening to toss? vlc itunes r something like that?
well just find out on which stream hes casting ( last time it was quadv tv2), then press play. usually shoutcasters are ahead of the ETTV (like 20-30 seconds) so you have to wait until the shoutcaster counts down 3-2-1-fight and right there you press "pause" on your vlc/internet stream. then wait until the ETTV match starts, and press "play" on vlc/internet stream when it also shows "fight" on your screen.
then you can listen to the shoutcast without having delay.
if you couldnt follow at any point, feel free to ask.
indeed as yeoj said, it's easy as hell to time the shoutcast with ettv.
hai rS*Infi
can't you just open the quadv thing and ET at same time?
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