Giving away Poker Coaching and Bankroll

Sup lads,

I be giving away ONE (maybe more) coachings to initiate you into the world of poker.
I will teach you the very BASIC things that will make you a winning player in NL2.

Depending how serious you take it i will give you a basic bankroll, (not mutch) to begin with. Later you might get more if i see i can trust you (or trough other ways)

If you'r intrested, leave me a PM



Nerding Wolfenstein for 8hours a day for a year = 0$ (or OLOL 100$ if you win cic7)
Nerding Poker for 8 hours a day for a year = LOTS of money (talking 1k+$)
im a very good poker player already, give me a bankroll
i have no idea how to play poker :( would like to learn it but haven't much time (got some app on my phone for this thing..but too busy with theory and school)
want free starting pokermoney , pm me!
Yes please!
btw there is also some project for starting poker players on the web, made for gamers. Too bad only WoW players grab this opportunity.

Check it out
I will teach you the very BASIC things that will make you a winning player in NL2.

Fold everything, shove AQ+ JJ+.
AQ/AK shov will give you blinds or 50% chance to win from a pockets pair => unprofitable

JJ shov will be called by AK AQ AA KK JJ TT and will 60% of the time be in your disfavour

QQ shov reasonable

KK shov reasonable, low value

AA shov ignorant, LOW value
well if you want to wait for this hands then the blinds gonne kill you
Im just applying his theory wich ofcours is wrong, your absolutely right that the blinds will kill you

AA would be 4bb + 1bb per limper
then contibet 66%
then valuebet 66%
then maybe shov or check, depending on the board
imo depends on your position on the table and your chipcount...

if you are chipleader then you should play every if it is 4+7 or A+A. you can also win with low cards
if you havnt many chips then you should rather play only hands on late positions, but only if you got a pair, A+ number ( suited ) and everthing above 10 ...(for example 10+K)

this is how im playing
it's not only about your chips, enemy chips are equally important
Partly agreed,
Position is inportant, but not in NL2.

but: Reraise? 74o has 38% equity against anything random, you'll have to fold
and: if you play any A you'll be screwed anytime (outkickerd, forced to fold, ...)

are you actually making profit? i doubt so
Dude.. its 2NL srsly..

AK shove unprofitable? on 2nl villian's callings range isnt only any PP.. count KQ/KJ/QJ/JT, well any 2 tbh. TAG is the only way to go @ 2NL, my "theory" on 2NL isnt wrong, on 25NL+ it is yes, but you're talking about 2NL..

@ Razzah, Your talking about tournament's, he's talking about cashgame's. no such thing as bleeding to death cause of the blinds @ cashgames
Nerding Poker for 8 hours a day for a year = LOTS of money (talking 1k+$)

LOL that it?
no actually :/

Nubs i see make 1$/h * 8h * 250days (holidays eg) = 2000 already
I'm spending around 4-8h / day on poker
show me stats !
what stats ?:XD
poker winnings !
only some small virtual moniez :< top40 in tournaments with 5k+ ppl
i want to learn :x
oh teach me, poker pro
how much starting capital? Im playing micro wages atm :) withdrew some money few days ago and playing a bit more now
Nerding Wolfenstein for 8hours a day for a year = 0$ (or OLOL 100$ if you win cic7)
Nerding Poker for 8 hours a day for a year = LOTS of money (talking 1k+$)


would kill for an opportunity like that, too bad iam short on free time:(
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