NoHeads 5o5/6o6 history

Well, ill start at the beginning.
After my crappy(teamplay) at cc6 i wanted to play more 6o6's, so i started to search a decent 6o6 clan.
after some weeks BelgiumFlashy asked me to play with BelgiumRockit, we had some problems at the beginning but after a while we were getting better and better , and had reached some decent level.
when EC came closer and closer we motivated to play it. we were pretty strong performing well in 6o6 , and also in 3o3. but when we spoke with the clanbase admins, they decided that BelgiumRockit was not allowed to play EC with Belgium Fostrum & Netherlands me ( NoHead ) , becouse of our cheating history & they told us we were to obvious.
We were really dissapointed and didnt had any motivation to keep playing with the line-up.
I was really dissapointed aswell becouse i tought i aimed really good at cc6 but had shit teamplay.
. some people had to study for exams and went inactive , and some people wanted to try the new Wolfenstein so we felt appart.
I started to play 3o3's again and some random 6o6 matches.
After a while Flocky & Fostrum became active again and we decided create a new clan again.

After some problems with creating a new team and getting a decent line-up.
after a while i saw a recruiting post on crossfire from France Smirzz, i played with him 6 years ago in my first ETpro clan and i played some 3o3 against him and he was shooting really good and i really wanted him to join us and he was intrested to.
but we still didnt had a good rifle and no stable 6th player.
but we kept trying to get some players and we played with players like Belgium Spiroze Germany ohzor4 Germany boNg Germany Scatman Netherlands Woody and it was a shame Belgium Tetsuo was still banned.

Our next goal was CiC7 : 5o5 tournament wich intrested us becouse most of us are good aimers.
So France Smirzz Belgium Fostrum BelgiumFlocky And Netherlands Me ( NoHead)
tried to get a 5th ( rifle ) for the lan. after playing with all the guys wich i named before they figured out they couldnt come to lan and Germany scatman backstabbed us. and Germany ohzor4 told us 2 days before lan he couldnt come to lan so we needed a new 5th, Becouse i was inactive for a month we couldnt prac for the lan and i was thinking about , NOT going to lan. after talkking with Belgium flocky on the phone i decided i would ago and i said them to pm Netherlands Woody becouse i knew he wanted to come to lan , and i would play Rifle were it was needed.

Our first match against YYT was a huge fail becouse 3 mics werent working and our configs werent working well.
Our next group matched went good, and reached the upper brackets.
we started to talk about the next match against Dignitas. and i said i dont really mind if we lose if i can say after the match we had some nice teamplay. and we dit and suprised them by taking Braundorf.

I wanna say thanks to all nice guys i met on cc6 & cic7 for the good time.
and i hope there will be a next lan.

who the hell cares :|
you becouse you clicked on it.
was just flipping :-)
why would anyone want to know that
nice guy actually, fun to meet you there :'D hf
thanks you 2 man.
see u next lan :]
sup with the ovie story ? need details !
nothing special. he was drunk and people do stupit things when they are drunk.
ovie story?
wat heb je uitgespookt
ben ik ook benieuwd naar, heb me vrij normaal gedragen tbh :D
I heard that you were drunk, and slapped nohead. But thats all I know :(
I did not even touch the guy, was just having fun there ;p
k, no e-drama then :(
Well, your name popped up lots of times, when I had a conversation with Norway Eirik though !
tell me everything !
About you being very bad without the support of the sleeperzz family !
more like "Your the heart and soul of this team Bobby"
juuu pwnerer
Whahaha kom je net pas?
ja man wouden ff die finale checke en er was nog genoeg groen te roken en dat moest natuurlijk op :P
isn't it supposed to be "too long to read"?
sorry for my english.
Quote...i wanted to play more 5o5's, so i started to search a decent 5o5 clan..performing well in 5o5 , and also in 3o3.

bit idiotic are we, when was 5on5 introduced?
aah thanks. ill edit.
you are still too rambo
your mousepad owns dirty BDSM guy ;);)
Is this English?
no this is sparta. sorry man my english sucks.
Thanks now i can sleep well :-)
cool story
hehe :)
Wp lads!
and now you won a match onlan? xd :>
well yeh, we won all our group matches axcept against YYT lost 1 upperbracket match against Dignitas ( wich was a close game ) and won our lower bracket match , and lost our 2nd round in lowerbracket against phantoms ( but i think it was a unfair match. )
thx for info, waiting for better next time, with a real line up ;)
(not 5th 2 days before lan)
Was great meeting you guys, all nI were friendly and fun! :)
same for you guys ;-)
right back at you!
Thank you for the 3on3 at 3am on sunday ;)
Im sorry again , but was nice to meet you guys!
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