supreme's CIC7 experience

As most people might know, I've been playing Quake Live for almost 1 year now.. So I was pretty happy about the fact that Crossfire announced a Quake Live tournament for both ET and CoD players.

I arrived at the venue at 14:00 and I was pretty surprised after the amount of teams and people there. I heard 48 CoD teams signed up or something...? Anyway after some minutes I asked Ben (known as dallow, Reason's manager) when the Quake Live tournament is starting. He told me everything got delayed and there will be most likely no games at all for today. Like probably any other person you would get a bit angry because of this but I'm used to the delays after playing several LAN's.

Mostly been talking to former teammates or people I know from online at the venue.. was pretty cool to see them again. After hanging out several hours at the "Press area" to watch IEM IV World Championship Quake Live I decided to call it a day.

The Quake Live admin called Krosan told me I should be here around 9:00... so after having several talks with him and watching many CoD games they finally decided to setup the PC's for the tournament so we could get our first games started. I remember I had to play a guy called "sinner" who was also playing in the CoD tournament... He told me he doesn't even know the map names so I was pretty certain this would be an easy win for me. After a little warmup we were ready to go! (tourney9 36:0 and ztntourney1 22:0)

After my game both Ben and Tim had to play their games which they also win pretty easily.

Been watching some CoD games, talk to some people and got some food for my next game which was versus a Finnish guy called "lettu". Like my previous game I decided to pick tourney9 again considering it's probably my best map (tourney9 21:4 and dm13 11:2).

Again the admin told me I should be there at 9:00... so when I entered the venue it was pretty... empty you could say. I went to the CoD section and saw mister "Best of Benelux" a.k.a. toxjee sitting there, been talking with him some hours and he decided to spectate a game so I could use his PC for a while... pretty much raped the whole Power Gaming team in warmup... I remember Luboshmir or Mazarini saying "toxjee your way better than yesterday"... Sounds like a trial to me mate! :D

Been checking some websites considering there was a lot of news about the IEM IV World Championship at CeBIT I saw my former teammate kajsk1ng coming in... Didn't know he was coming so I was pretty surprised, really cool guy! :)

After hours of waiting, waiting and waiting I could finally play my Semi Finals game vs an ET player called reload which was pretty decent I guess... but my aim was really terrible and unstable in that game. A_Spec shoutcasted it on QuadV I believe so you might have seen it ;)

Anyway I won DM6 10:6, lost ZTN -1:9 (He was really good in running away, got so bored I decided to go spec) and won the deciding map Tourney7 pretty convincingly with a 14:0 score.

I believe at that time I had some food and went back to the CoD section... after a while I decided to check some websites at the PC where I was playing Quake Live and played some games online vs the likes of burnedd and ex-Serious Gaming player sadface. Anyway nobody told me when to play for the whole weekend because of the ET and CoD tournaments... even the admin didn't keep me up-to-date so I was pretty pissed off... Especially when he told me to be here at 9:00 and saying "The prize ceremony will be around 13:00/14:00". Been trying to get hold of the admin but he vanished or something... no clue where he was hanging out. When I actually found him we had several talks about the fact that it's getting really late because I expected to be home around 15:00 or something. The admin is a pretty nice guy, don't get me wrong but he doesn't have control over the stuff happening there and had to talk with TosspoT or someone else about most things related to the tournament. I also told him that it wasn't really my plan to stay at the venue till 22:00 or something because I really wanted to leave their as soon as possible considering I got more things to do at home for school etc.

Basically I had to wait for the LB games because both mAus and Tim where still playing their ET and CoD games. Got pretty pissed off because I expected to play the finals Sunday if I would've won every game of course.

Anyway the admin told me I had to wait for the CoD finals and ET to finish... which is gonna take another 2 hours considering the CoD finals Reason vs fnatic would be most likely 3 maps. After seeing some delays in the ET finals, and also the server crashing I got really pissed off and decided to leave the tournament because my parents also wanted to go home...

Imagine me sitting there for atleast 10 hours and only playing a single Quake Live game... Just had a conversation with someone who told me the winner of the Quake Live tournament had to catch his flight so they gave the i7 (worth 1000$) away to the loser of the finals. Considering there were 2 prizes for the tournament they gave a i7 (worth 600$) away to some random guy who had nothing to do with the Quake Live tournament as far as I know, atleast that's what I've been told...

I'm really pissed off because they should expect huge delays with a 48 teams CoD tournament and 20/30 ET teams or something... my question is: Why would you do a double elimination best-of-3 Quake Live tournament when 95% has to play CoD or ET....?

Pretty much wasted my whole weekend for nothing, also paid 10 euros to enter the tournament which isn't much but it's about the fact that I had to wait for such an unprepared tournament in my opinion.

PS: Thanks to sadface and burnedd for all the support and playing games with me when I had to wait 24/7. Also to both Tim and Ben which are really awesome guys <3

Im the random guy who had nothing to do with the Quake Live tournament, and now i have i7 (worth 600$).

not to mention lack of coverage!
The Irony ! :(
sup supreme was nice to meet you :D your story isn't good at all but dont worry :D
The story is what I think about it... and it says "That's what I've been told" in the last paragraphs about the prizes.
Quote i7 (worth 1000$)

Quote i7 (worth 600$)


Btw, don't blame Krosan for how the tournament went, he was just as frustrated as you were.
I'm not blaming anyone.. just saying I'm unhappy with how things went... Krosan was pretty helpfull =)
Yeah I know. Was just saying it to people in general.
QuoteHe was really good in running away, got so bored I decided to go spec

and he hit loads of rails and you didnt...
Had problems with my aim, everything was really shocky I guess. Been playing some warmup after that game and I hit all these rails... no idea what happened in that game to be honest but pretty much stopped trying after him running away after 4 mins or so :D
i have that so often too, then you hit evry rail, then none x]
too bad you couldnt play final!
Shit like that happens, I'm trying to forget about everything. Pretty pissed about the fact that I wasted 3 days for nothing... but can't do anything about it.
I've been told the prize ceremony would be around 13:00/14:00 so I wasn't really planning on staying till 22:00/23:00....

Got school the next day and it's a 2,5 hours drive.
ferus would have pwned u anyway.
Sounds bad but it was announced as a community tournament meaning the playerbase was limited to CoD and ET players anyway and they most likely play their games as well thus making a well run QL tourney impossible right from the beginning.
thats pretty much it. We decided to run it saturday & sunday. Were absolutely unfortunate with the players playing matches on sunday as there was suposed to be enough space for all games, but delays made it somewhat impossible.
Could only play 2 of my QL games aswell, since we wanted to leave on sunday afternoon. It should've started on friday actually since delays where to be expected and most people don't plan on staying whole sunday. Brackets/timetable could've been prepared before the event, so there's atleast something to plan upon :P

What happened in the brackets actually with maus, revoltz, reload? A lot of forfeits?
I'm very sorry about this situation Supreme. You gave a correct view on things in your column, it wasn't exaggerated at all. I'll try to explain some of the reasons of why you had to wait that long. We were short on PC's on Friday, since all the groupstages for ET and COD started that day, and on top of that almost all the players were busy that day with games. These two factors made it impossible to get any QL games going on that day. I didn't expect that we wouldn't have any dedicated PC's for QL, I think all the free PC's got used as backups for the ET & COD tourny, since those had priority over the community compo which QL was. On Saturday I got my hands on 2 PC's that we started setting up at 11am, which was two hours later than expected. I asked you to come at 9am just to have the option to get the games started early if we would in fact have PC's available that early.
We would have had a lot of the loser bracket games played on Saturday if Blight/dignitas didn't lose their match versus tMoe (no offence to any off them, they obviously can't be blamed for this, it was just unfortunate for our QL schedule). But they did so RELOAd and feruS had to play more ET matches, making it almost impossible to get any QL games done in the loser bracket on Saturday. We luckily had 2 sets of PC's by that time, so two matches at the same time became possible. Moving onto Sunday, we had a considerate amount of PC's available. However, Blight/dignitas ánd Reason kept winning their games, while Rockit was keeping mAus busy, making any QL matches impossible. You kept winning convincingly, which kept you in the winners bracket. That does mean you get to play less games than if you would have been playing in the loser bracket. That's why you also had a lot more waiting to do. Normally the finals for ET and COD should have been finished by noon, which was the case on almost all previous CC editions, but not this time however. And since the QL tourny was just a community compo, it was unfortunately labelled with a lower priority. During the last day we saw a couple players giving up, such as Sinner (on Saturday actually), jo0f and mAus (after losing his incredibly tight ET final). That did speed things up, which meant we could have the bo3 still going on. The schedule was at that time in such a way that it didn't really matter if we had bo1 or bo3, cause the time between the games was far greater than 2 maps. Even if we would have done the entire tournament bo1, it would have most probably still have gotten that late.
I regret that you couldn't stay any longer, as you were to me clearly the best player. But wouldn't two hours more really have made such a difference? Your parent had been waiting for such a long time already, so it's a shame they had to leave while you were so close to actually achieving your goal. Wouldn't $1000 have been worth the extra wait?
Of course you're not really to blame, as the delays in the tournament aren't your fault. It was just impossible to have the games earlier, so my hands were tied. Messioso and me agreed that maybe giving you a consolation prize would be nice, but unfortunately that wasn't realistic. Also, the reason why feruS didn't get his prize was because the prize is a sponsored prize by Intel, and the only thing they ask in return for the prizes is that the prize is handed over to the actual player in the prize ceremony, for obvious publicity reasons. That's why if you're not on the prize ceremony, we're not eligible to give out the prize. I personally don't approve of this but it's just how these things work I guess.
For the next event we will definitely learn from the mistakes from this event. First off, we will start our QL games on Friday (or even Thursday if possible). We'll also have at least 4 PC's dedicated solely for QL. These two changes will certainly mean a world of difference.
Again I regret it a lot what you have experienced, but as I said the situation at that time didn't allow us to speed up things enough for you.
wall of text
he deserves the effort tbh
I know, but I'm not blaming anyone for these problems.. it's just a shame I've pretty much "wasted" so much time for basically nothing. I don't really care about winning the cpu, I just consider it as an extra...

Anyway I think double elimination bo3 wasn't really realistic in my opinion considering the amount of CoD and ET teams attending the event.
They really gave away the CPU to randoms instead of sending it to the winner or giving it to one of their teammates? What happened with the motherboards the ET guys were supposed to be getting?

You really expected everyone to stay till 12 to receive their prizes? :-S
I left because I've got school the next day and didn't expect to be at the venue till 17:00 or something... left 2 hours after I believe.
With "you" I didn't mean you in person, rather TosspoT and the other organizers, as I don't expect anyone to stay that long and I can totally understand your decision to leave.

Looking at the organisation of the event, this might have been probably the worst installment of the crossfire LANs, seems like they overextended themselves a bit with ~80 teams in total and this very very small venue. :)
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