CiC7 adventure!

hey guys, just wanted to post a journal about my cool times in europe and at cic7!

firstly, the boring shit. 6.5 hr flight from boston to london, 3 hr wait, 1.5 hr flight to berlin. nP :(

i met Germany stRay at the berlin airport. didn't expect him to be taller than me and i didnt expect him to not actually be 13 years old!
we went to his flat via taxi. berlin had some cool graffiti and cool architecture. boston is a lot more taller than berlin is. Germany stRay's family took me out to a german restaurant. his family was actually pretty cool. i expected them to be dorky like stRay is :DD

next morning, we got up at 06:00 and we met Germany FimS at the big berlin train station. it was fucking freezing! we waited around after the fucking german idiots smoked their cancer sticks and we got on the train for 5 hours to schiphol.

germany is black and white.

Germany FimS was really cool. he made stray speak in english even though they wanted to speak in german. we took the train and spoke about cool stuff in english and arrived 5 hours later. we took a stoptrain to enschede.

we arrived at the eden hotel and waited for Germany S'agapo. stray spoke with them on his "handy" (rofl :DD:D). he said they'd be there in 10 minutes.

we waited in the cold for fucking 1 hr. part way through we met Germany commander! i probably massacred his name. sorry :(

finally s'agapo arrived and we went inside. we had 3 rooms. e-wave booked room 3.
we went down to the lan center to check it out. it was pretty cool, we met some cool people. we spent the rest of the day finding people like Austria don matthias and nerding it up at the lan center.

next day we got to play. yay!
image: game16927
image: game16924
image: game16928

first games on lan were AWESOME. no lag! fucking crazy :D! we had nice seats, even though they were right next to the bar and everybody was noisy there. poor Netherlands hybrAtek got cold from the door :(
for the rest of the night we stayed in s'agapo's room chilling and talking. Germany commander made blunts :D

day 2. it started off great! even tosspot mentioned that he saw that adacore had enough spare time to watch the shoutcast! but then there was the superdelay. something to do with dNan and nOu having an awesome game that delayed it. score was 5-3 for dNan. i watched Netherlands ati_ play :D fov-changer on rifle?!

we got to play our match at 01:00. it was supposed to be at 19:00 :|
image: game16994

that was a fucking awesome game. i'm glad i got to play vs Canada shaun. wp to enlanced there. they had a sick 10 minute bank defense on grush vs us :O

after this game, the rest of e-wave searched for a place to stay because tim's friend smoked in the hotel room and the hotel discovered that we had 6 people sleeping in our room :X i played a mix with some guys while everybody else was finding a place to stay. we ended up paying an extra 75 euros for the people to be able to stay in our room, too :<

4 hours of sleep later, we woke up, 09:00. nP, more sleep than i usually get on a school week! :D we went to play our match vs [team=uk] the cube.
they changed our match to play vs Germany logix instead. nP, only the 4th time we played vs them in a month -,-
image: game17044
wp by logix there. they deserved the win.
after that game, gr0ss timmae and hybratek left. but then i realized gr0ss put my suitcase in tim's trunk and 1 hr later they had to come back. :(!

stray and i stayed in Austria scorch's room until the train time came. we left and met up with Germany FimS and Germany hal on the train.

everything was clockwork on the way back. long plane rides, early wake up times. i got sick :[

lan was amazingly fun though. i'm gonna save my pennies in hopes to go to cic8! :D

well thanks to everyone, and fuck you haters! :D

shoutouts to:
Netherlands nohead
Netherlands ati_
Netherlands wraith
Germany eiM
Germany AoW
Europe enLANced
United Kingdom potty
Germany hal

special shoutouts to
Netherlands mott4
Germany FimS
Germany playmate
Germany commander
Austria scorch
Austria don matthias
Romania faky

Germany e-WAVE <3

and finally, mega special shoutout to
Germany stRay and his family. they allowed me to come to lan. very kind people. danke very much! :D

Seems you had a nice time in Holland ! :) Was nice meeting you and hope to see you at cic8! ;)
was nice to meet u pAuZ I hope to see u next lan again :> <3
was nice meeting you and cya next lan :)
nice read:)

first nice cci7 journal!
pauzi ;*
its good you didnt get molested by strays dad

thanks for mading my week, rly! :'D :'D :'D
hal is austrian. he is our FUHRER! or was or is? i dunno lol
for real.. change your haircut
Yea pauZ was rly nice to meet you and see yea playing :)
Looks like you enjoyed the lan as mutch as i did and hope we gonna see you again in europe for some et action!

Digga man!
ya digga!

c u cic8 hopefully! was fucking fun! thanks for speaking english too :DD:D
you have no foreskin
still cant believe starzi had to play for me ;)
couldnt believe how much starzi changed his look in so little time!
he's a fag! :D
Plekter did i even say bibuy to you? :(
dun think! I left quite early, couldn't find you there man :|
I know we had a chat the night before, but i was so messed up i couldnt remember what we said.
Uh, i don't either. It was probably nice!
4th time u play us and u still dont know the right flag .:((
it's .de flag but 4 of you are .dk!
Our mgc is german. And only that matters
nais :P
i use fov change on rifle too ;p
no, just blind :D
nice to read :d
yep! you got some competition i guess! :D
i'd win np
you didnt include a picture for our match :(
our mix? i put enlanced match!
e: oops fucked up
cool story bro,glad you liked it
"the guy on the left" :XD
glad you enjoyed it but I think you should consider getting a haircut
nice read hope to meet some of you guys there possibly on the next event
thx @ youre a very nice guy. I hope to see you agaon on next lan, if i play 4 sagapo :D bye achozen aka Commander
our defence on gr was the shit
pauz @ lan , unbelievable :) , too bad my team didnt attend :X
ya broski where u at?!
ugly bastard but i guess nice guy, hf and stuff
awesome story :)
yea was nice idd :D cu next lan :D
nice read ,gl in future man !
nice read mate, glad you enjoyed it :D makes me want to go lololol =(
haha yeah, sitting next to the door was really annoying. I kept screaming at people to close the door :DD
was rly nice to met ya :)
hope to see ya on next lan :)
sorry ik liet me gaan
nah everything went better than expected :)
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