Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

As usual I’m gna start with a little quote!

Quote by ^jESUS make a morning journal! cant have journals by ADZIO telling us about walking to school with his friends

Moving on…
What are you guys up to today?
Uhm since I don’t have to work today and I’m still on my semester-break, I guess I’m gna clean the apartment.
Or suffer from absolut boredom! :D

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee, which by the way tasted disgusting and made me really grumpy! òó

Plans for the weekend?
It’s my brothers birthday on Friday(?), so gna celebrate that a bit.
I’m not sure if I have more plans yet, maybe work or something.

Anything special happened to you last week?
I went to the International Tattoo Convention in Frankfurt on Saturday. All in all it was really interesting, tho it did cost me 17,- € to enter… Anyway bought new plugs (white with coloured bubbles) and saw that weird snake-face guy-thing…

I guess… that’s it. Now it’s your turn!
And as usual: sry for engrish! :)

Shoutouts to:
Netherlands Dezire, Mauritania andyy, Germany wsk, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Anonymous Snug, Anonymous pZyko, Germany FaKy, Bosnia Hercegovina woDka, Czech Republic muflon, Anonymous schnee, New Zealand iiky, Germany snip0z, Turkey #velerion, Anonymous #bd.com and ofc the rest of the Germany #faggotfamily and Anonymous you!

And to Israel ^jESUS, who made me do this :D

Join #faggotfamily !

image: 21ccrkg
Random Song
image: funny-dog-pictures-open-window


Oh and: "Canada rossko has removed you from his buddylist !" OOOH NOES ...
nö, nerden gleich mit harald q3 !:D
komm ts3 hon etz
gogo komm ts
Morning Twinyy Carlon <3

I'm at school atm got bioinformatic lessons buääh D:

Had a nice coffee for breakfast and a weird bread....
soon i will go mad in the maths class arrrrrr :/
at least i only got school till 13.15
and the rest of the day is for studying....

no plans for the weekend yet

have a nice day,have fun cleaning :P

much <3 marlon!
What are you guys up to today? Work for 12 hours

What do you have for breakfast? Oats, 2 eggs and a banana! Oh and coffee

Plans for the weekend? Work!

Anything special happened to you last week? No :[
Oh heij thar,

As usual I'm gonna start my comment with some whine: I didn't sleep well, it's freaking cold outside and my mood was terrible. It's better now though :)

Moving on...

plans for today
Kill my boss who just did a 15 minute phone call from MY office. Get McDonalds for lunch. get home as early as possible and do nothing :P

What do you have for breakfast?
Chocolate croissant! As almost every other day...

Plans for the weekend?
Not rly sure yet, maybe I'm gonna go to a concert on saturday. It's a small indoor festival with 8 bands afaik, including Venerea and Strung out, 2 of my fav bands from when I was younger hehehe. Mad sin is headliner, am not too interested in them though. Maybe I'll go, gonna decide spontaniously. oh wow, that so doesnt sound like me^^

Anything special happened to you last week?
Not that I could think of right now...

I guess that's it, gotta get back to work now :)

Lots of <3 to PaRzi, iiky, gungy, bd, my iNm bois, snip0 and the rest of the faggotfamily.
Hallo hallo,

Im damn bored too ò___ó

plans for today
- College untill 12:45
- Going to "Heerlen" (place in Holland) to buy presents for my girlfriend (shoes actually)
- Coming home and eating some snacks or w/e (just whats there :D)
- Going to deliver the newspaper in my hometown (takes about 2,5 hours)
- Gonna play an offi tonight on ET against codeLust! (fintards)
What do you have for breakfast?
I only had a lill coffee this morning but Im sure it wasn't enough for me because my stomach is going wild like Mike Tyson biting an ear off.
Plans for the weekend?
Actually tomorrow is my girls bday (Yeh, she's growing up:D) and Im actually glad that my former girlfriend delivered a baby yesterday though :p
Friday I gonna relax & chill @ home with my horny girlfriend
Sathurday I have a very exclusive dinner with my girlfriend to celebrate her bday with her family ( Going to eat at a Greek restaurant <3! )
Sunday I stay at my girlfriends place to celebrate her bday (again":D") with my parents joining.
Anything special happened to you last week?
I actually became father of a boy yesterday; Steff..:p (my ex girlfriend delivered a baby) due this whole situation Im a bit confused and there MIGHT be a chance I go back to her, dno yet.. we'll see.. :) ET> ALL though!!

cheers! enjoy your day!

i woke up.... dont know what to eat....

last week/weekend = party,party,party this week i hope i get the chance to rest

AND i'm gonna become an uncle (this month)

started playing et a bit.... so i can be in my top shape if i have to backup 4 #iNmotion
praccing to go pro

nice plugs! :o
coffee, cig for breakfast as always, gonna stay a bit in front of the PC, then need to drive to gym, make some dinner, and chill again ;d cic7 happened to me last week was devestated all the time, and well dont have plans for weekend yet
palypaly wit me tunight pls :s
u paly again!? =.=
since 2 months already, but your et was broken you said
"broken" in terms of i dont play et anymoar :D
u need to study
doin that whole afternoon hurenbengel
Parzi :D Isn't it a little cool story sis :D ?

I'm gonna pracc my CoD4.
Do you wanna join :D ?
got up, didnt eat breakfast
went to work
eating food now
gonna work again
then off, need to get my car again for my audio installation

this weekend, gonna go boxing match and dunno for the rest
Hai thar!

What are you guys up to today?
Just wrote a german exam which lasted 4 hours. :c

Later I'm gonna go to school again, enjoying art lessons...
Afterwards I'm gonna chill a bit and what about some rounds of isketch then?

What do you have for breakfast?
For breakfast I had some tasty Russenbrezel and coffee.

Plans for the weekend?
Sadly, I haven't got any plans for the weekend.

Anything special happened to you last week?
And since my life is boring, nothing extraordinary happend to me last week. :<

Kisses to Carla, Mara, GUNGY aka Marcel and Manuel!
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