Final Fantasy 13

FINALY released. I gave 4 ps3 games to get it at gamestop! . Already played some hours now im at the sea.

Was very boring at the begining and i thought :" oh my god please let it be not like ff12 " but then it turned and started to be nice so im looking forward to the next 2 weeks ;)
lucky bastard!
have fun :)
Wait, PS3 actually has that many as 5 games already?
not, it has 4 games, just he gave one game twice !
I feel sorry for you :(
Have it since saturday and it ownsssssssssssssss
bought the game! fuckin amazing :_D
lucky shit
isn't that SHIT?
didn't expect YOU to play FF :O)
genau das selbe habe ich auch gedacht:D der hat mir ein dickes ff7 savegame geschickt :D
alter alter phate was gehtn mit dir? du bist jamal voll emo 100% mehr geht ja garnicht?
ich hab keine schwarzen haare und kein piercing am sack!
FF worst shit ever
expecting nerds rage
gonna play it after I get back from gym,got it right o my right hand
But Final Fantasy sucks.

Enjoy your interactive movie.
is it better then ffx or ffVII if so im gonna buy if not reply me on what scale of goodness it is plz :D
on my root since monday 9pm
FF XII is good!
story and graphics were good but i really disliked the battle system "ADB" :/
no, that was awesome! no more stupid battles if you didn't wanna fight. Only goin for strong animals if u wanna level instead of fighting noobs.
I'll buy FF13 tomorrow, really excited ! :P
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