fov toggle

need some pls post it :p

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bind x "vstr fov"

set fov1 "cg_fov 90; set fov vstr fov2"
set fov2 "cg_fov 115; set fov vstr fov1"
set fov "vstr fov1"
set near "seta cg_fov "95"; set ftoggle vstr far; echo ^0Fernkampf;seta cg_crosshairsize "50""
set far "seta cg_fov "110"; set ftoggle vstr near; echo ^1NahKampf;seta cg_crosshairsize "50""
set ftoggle "vstr far"

bind mouse3 "vstr ftoggle"
Your movement is weird enough, do the specs at LAN a favour and do not add a fov toggle ;p
120 fov all the time.
set far "sensitivity 666; cg_fov 90"
set middle "sensitivity 1337; cg_fov 120"
bind mouse2 "+vstr far middle"

smth like this
he will get an epileptic attack and will die. it's your fault
90 fov all the time.
or 100,39 on 16:10 1680x1050.... (then its like 90 ;) )
90 fov all the time.
bind MWHEELDOWN "cg_fov 90; b_hitsounds 1; echo ^0fov^2^^790"
bind MWHEELUP "cg_fov 120; b_hitsounds 1; echo ^0fov^2^^7120"
What's the use of writing b_hitsounds if they don't change?
dont know looks great :<
magic movement scripts.... sqzz sent me them

set lefton "+moveleft"
set leftoff "-moveleft"
bind a "+vstr lefton leftoff"

set righton "+moveright"
set rightoff "-moveright"
bind d "+vstr righton rightoff"

set fowardon "+forward"
set fowardoff "-forward"
bind w "+vstr fowardon fowardoff"

set backon "+back"
set backoff "-back"
bind s "+vstr backon backoff"
bind mouse2 "+vstr aids1 aids2"
set aids1 "+movedown;cg_fov 90;b_hitsounds 1"
set aids2 "-movedown;cg_fov 120;b_hitsounds 2"

crouch+fovchange = win
bind mwheeldown "cg_fov 105"
bind mwheelup "cg_fov 90"
finally someone that uses the same as me :D fuck all that toggle shit just bind the 2 fov's separate!
i dont use that. but he asked for a simple one
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