rpg games

need some popular titles like baldurs gate gothic arcanum icewin dale :)
got it actually : P
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Any word that describes the awesomeness of this glorious masterpiece is an understatement. A non-stop roleplaying orgasm.
is that the one with the gay towers every time?? :p
Dunno what you mean but it's this

image: gamescrn_morrowind_02-B

There aren't that many towers
ah ye that one is nice idd!! i was talking about oblivion i think :p
nah, if you play morrowind as a mage you get your own special tower
not what i ment :p
Quote by Ordinator"We are watching you, scum......"
Oblivion Gate?
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Any word that describes the awesomeness of this glorious masterpiece is an understatement. A non-stop roleplaying orgasm.
whats so special in it?
Planescape Torment - the best rpg ever made.
Syriusz Gayment is even better
Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2

Best rpg games i have ever played :)
ye they pown :D
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Any word that describes the awesomeness of this glorious masterpiece is an understatement. A non-stop roleplaying orgasm.
I'll ejaculate on the spot when I'll see TES V published... Better stay alert to not get smeared by sperm
when it comes out i will take acid first then play it till the trip is over.
final fantasy XIII

oh wait...
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I & II

Any word that describes the awesomeness of this glorious masterpiece is an understatement. A non-stop roleplaying orgasm.
ye kotor series is great aswell, but morrowind has way more content, replayability and a huge mod database and community.
I didn't play it tbh :P
kotor 1 is wonderfull
the 2nd game was nothing compared to the first
I prefer the sequel cause the plot is actually much more complex and a lot less obvious than it is in the first game. Though indeed it's shorter, less "starwars'ish" and the worlds in the first game are more diversified.
Agreed on all fronts :)
Neverwinter Nights

Any word that describes the awesomeness of this glorious masterpiece is an understatement. A non-stop roleplaying orgasm.
dragon age
Neverwinter Nights imho :)
Obviously Fallout I and II

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Any word that describes the awesomeness of this glorious masterpiece is an understatement. A non-stop roleplaying orgasm.
Agree, Oblivion doesnt even come close to it :p I installed this patch which removes the fog on longer distances so you can see as far as you want. Next I flew straight up for about 2-5 minutes untill I could see the whole island on my screen when looking down :p And yes, my char did survive the fall which took about 1 minute :)
had the same feeling about oblivion. The game was just too easy and shallow compared to morrowind
It's fun with enough mods, but the rich culture and enviroment of morrowind is still missing.
stop talking to me, i don't know you :s
I always go for this character mod which removes the multiplier bs. I'm kind of a nerd and with the multipliers on level up I was constantly making sure to get full x5 multis at levelup than actually playing the game. i think the mod is called galsiah character develloptment or something, best mod for morrowind / oblivion.
haha yeah, I couldnt resist going for the multipliers either. Was even reloading games to make sure I got the max out of my character, bit neurotic I guess. With that mod it's more natural and it's obviously a must have :)
And it allows you to just swim in balmora river for a day and you are up to lvl 90 atheltics :p With that mod I'm running around constantly doing spells to up my lvls as I travel. Acrobatics you just need to find a nice spot where you can hit the ceiling and fall down a stair so you could jump + fall ten times a second. Got lvl 100 acrobatics in no time :)

Hoptoad ring, some constant feather and its like playing quake but better :D God I loved that game.
back when I played pretty much vanilla morrowind, I once put myself on autorun in balmora river and went afk while my buttons were being pressed by a pen connected to a lamp :D
not with sneak??? lulz noob omg
Did the same with sneak, but in that tower where you can get the glass armor early on in the game (tower of dusk?). If you stay in a certain position compared to the smith there, you constantly go in and out of sneak! :d

I played more laid-back after I got some mods though, even rp'ed abit :P
oblivion made several mistakes. Biggest was to make enemies scale to your current level. In morrowind you just couldn't visit certain places till you were strong enough, or you had to use a lot of tricks to survive. In Oblivion the dungeons just randomly filled up with loot and chars comparable to your level. Afaik morrowind did the same for loot (especially soulstones) but not with the enemies.

And the second big mistake of oblivion was the computer generated world. In morrowind you come trough really different areas with their own atmosphere, plants and looks. In Oblivion any place looks the same, where ever you go. I enjoyed oblivion though morrowind still owns the shit out of it :p

Plus morrowind doesnt have all these cheats which allow you to travel anywhere in an instant, nor can you just follow the arrows to do 'quests'.
ye exactly, the scaling is not a problem with all those overhauls. But you are still left with a plain and stale world.
Quotea plain and stale world.

so true :p
yeah, i also enjoyed Oblivion, but not as much as Morrowind. Still remember the search for all the daedric weapons and armor (haven't found all the armor pieces yet:(). While in Oblivion the daedric armor was almost given to you after you reached some lvl.
And i completely agree with you about the enviroment!
I sort of dislike that timeslip mod where you can buff every gfx option you like. The fog makes the world seem more mysterious and bigger imo. Even dl'ed a mod in oblivion which added morrowind type fog :p
Well, the fog also makes towns look a lot nicer. Like you can see the temple of Balmora across the river, the silt strider in the background etc. I agree it makes finding places a lot easier, but that was one of the things i didnt like about Morrowind. I dont mind running around for 5 - 10 mins to get to where I want to go but not if it hides in a shadow and you might have just passed it a minute ago without noticing.
At highest viewing distance its quite allright imo, since the world is less open than it is in oblivion. For me, playing without the fog raised the same objections as fast travel, but I guess thats a personal preference.
I'm surprised mass effect wasn't mentioned yet
heroes of newerth!
Best RPG's I played:

The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind (you should patch this baby with all the extra's you can find, its really worth it)

Deus Ex (first one, never liked the second one as much. Game is older than morrowind so you really want to patch it with better gfx)

Those are the two RPG's I really enjoyed, both for their gameplay and the storyline / atmosphere / how they pull you into this fantasy world.
stop dat allemaal maar weg, want het is tijd voor EC maat
ja mama zegt dat ik goed genoeg ben om in zijn team te mogen.
Try mass effect then, you'll like it .
too newschool for me, i downloaded the second part and it had like three guys following me all the time etc.
Fallout 3 is newschool aswell but really good!

Or Thi3f series.
baldurs gate gothic arcanum icewin dale
dragon age origins! great game

-Fallout 1+2 (+ 3 maybe(i know,nothing compared with gothic 1+2))

-7 sins :o :D
for sure dont even bother with TES... the most overrated RPG game ever... some have to say it laud, role playing is not running around an island...

Thats why BioWare rpgs are the best... stick to them...

BG IW Fallout P:T KotOR DA...
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