is this allowed? guy 1 put the ball on the spot guy 2 kicks it
yes he isn't in the 16 m that other guy
A PK shall be taken from the penalty-mark and, when it is being taken, all players with the exception of the player taking the kick, properly identified, and the opposing goalkeeper, shall be within the field of play but outside the penalty-area, and at least 10 yards from the penalty-mark.

Now when is a player properly identified? :)
thats idd the big question.

Maybe the player who lay down the ball should also take the penalty or smth?
just depends on the referee, theres no specific addition or routine to clear that, neither international nor in any national league.
thats true.. I think it s a good tactic tbh ;p
these 2 guys would be beaten up in any lower german league, but yea its quite nice actually^^
haha yea thats true :p haha
Lol thats a sick penalty
depends on the referee. rules just say that it has to be obvious who shoots. so only one can start running and shoot, but there is no exact rule saying where players have to stand before
not allowed, only the pk taker + goal keeper is allowed to be in the ' penalty - zone (?) ' clearly there's one too many now :p
funny how they came up with it though.
same as like, u put down the ball and while ur bending u shoot xd

****oh wait, when i looked at it again in the slower replay i saw the guy who was first about to take it stepped back, so now yeah, it's allowed.
'pk taker" and goalie are the only ones in that zone, where do u see a third?
if u look at the first few secs then you clearly see he's inside the zone with his back towards the ball. theres my mistake x]
but both players ( taker and shooter) are out of the penalty zone
exactly, one could call it confusion, but hey, there isn't much advantage either way, the goalie has to keep the ball out anyway right? =D
i remember a youtube vid where they actually gave the penalty indirectly ( = passing to a teammate and he shoots )

cant remember if the goal was valid though
Are you kidding me? That's Cryff who you mean? He passed to a teammate, who passed back to him and scores easily. Or do you mean something else?
no it wasn't that one, I would remember it if it was a known footballer that did it
some belgien did that once at some WK/EK i believe. saw it on studio1 once... penalty taker taps it forward very soft
and then some other comes runs in and scores it.. can't remember who though
noone will notice cuz all those chinese look the same
It is not allowed. It should be clear who will take the penalty. In this case, it isn't clear. Nevertheless, I really like this penalty!
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