So whats your...

Lets say you are about to hold a big party and you have plenty of liquor & money to buy some fancy welcome drink for all your guests.

I would personally make a nice cosmopolitan.

"A cosmopolitan is a cocktail made with vodka, Triple Sec, cranberry juice, and fresh-squeezed lime juice or sweetened lime juice. Informally, it is referred to as a Cosmo."

image: cosmopolitan
Better reply to my query! :D
wtf is that :P
ice vodka sec and some otther stuff :p
isn't that a women's drink?
Something that'll get all the ladies pretty much wasted and horny after one glass.
beetje Spaanse Vlieg erin
cosmopolitan gay drink.

a well made refreshing long island ice tea instead.
Zivot cudne knjige pise, lozovaca brige brise zato pijem sve do jutra

image: 071208_kazan
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