mind lost mASCULINE's lan fund
11 Mar 2010, 17:35
nice job mind. there goes most of our lan money (100e) from ESL. i guess we'll miss the lan again :/
he told me he has a killer tactic for roulette (his brother works at casino) and he never loses. :(
same amount of money on 2/3 rows.
2/3 chance to double money (better than betting on coulors).
1/3 chance to lose lan money.
2/3 chance to double money (better than betting on coulors).
Which site has a roulette with this kind of a payout?
you cant beat roulette with maths and you cant have uber tax for it.
but if you want a tip:
0xM on row1
1xM on row2
0.33xM on row3
where M is a (constant) amount of money.
odds still suck, play poker.
too bad :/