Shoutcast <:>

Hey guys

I have scanned through the Quad V website looking for the shoutcast from TosspoT for the following game :

However i cant find it. Does anybody have an alternative or the recording?


mauz , butchi , sheep tekoa

image: I_jizz_in_my_pants_by_HOLIMOUNT
stupid question requires a stupid answer
The fact I said I've already looked on quadv doesn't help. Seriously, stop trolling and wasting time.
How about u actually start using ur head and try to find it urself instead of standing around like a lil child crying because he cant find his momy?!?!

How about we look at it like that: The shoutcaster was TosspoT, what a coincidence that he's also registered on this page and what a luck that u can contact someone via PM.
Try the smart path and even try to query him on, hold it, it's coming, IRC!!!!!

You couldn't think about the possibility that he might know the answer, did you?!

For fuck sake seems like I might even need to teach these kids how to take a dump.
Unfortunate for you, I had already thought of this, But due to him being OFFLINE, it forced me to make a journal, instead of waiting for TosspoT to come online.

Now jog on you ugly cunt and come back next year when you have a brain.

Btw, how do i use a toilet?
A bright idea since anyone will have a clue about where the shoutcasts are.
That much talked about having brain.

Plus, grow up and learn to argue without using insulting expressions you "ugly cunt".
If you wanna take this way, take it yourself.
Well, Crossfire is a good place to ask/find things. The reason i made this journal was down to the fact I have seen many other journals asking for shoutcasts which are not fended through QuadV and Gamestv because some people have them saved / recorded already..

So really, id think this is a good place to ask as you never know if somebody has it - There is over 32000 members

Now gtfo and grow up, i think your the kid. Nerd
QuoteIf you wanna take this way, take it yourself.

lol srsly dont start he will flame u like fuck
joe moeder
heft grote tieten
was redes du???
ik wees nicht
ask the quadv guys for if there was a recording(maybe its on their database but not reachable by public), or ask gtv admins since lots of shoutcasts are on the gtv database too ;)
Aight, thanks man
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