Reconfield: Recon Medic 2

Fuck yer, bought this game a couple of days ago and oh men it's awesome. If you're not bothered by the HawkSniper98 -players that come from CoD, that is. Seemingly everyone plays either recon or medic, that's because recons are COOL SNIPER DUDES WE'RE AFRAID OF GETTING HIT SO WE CAMP IN OUR BASE FOR 30 MINUTES and medics have fucking (light) MACHINE GUNS AND SHIT YO. And occasionally there's a couple of noobtubers too. All of the above probably come from CoD4 because to my understanding light machine guns, snipers and noobtubes are quite popular around there.

Disregarding that, the game fucking rocks. IF you happen to have a decent squad (that is, a squad that does NOT consist of 3 recons and you) that has brain it's bloody awesome to flank 12 or so enemies attacking your base and killing all of them in a fucking huge crossfire and fire and explosions and flying debris and shit everywhere fuck yeah.

Or blowing a fucking wall down with the grenade launcher, rushing in and killing everything inside and around the building and then destroying some more walls and then the whole building collapses and there's even more flying debris and fire and shit FUCK YES

Congratulations sir your journal put a huge smile on my face!
was a medic, in a squad with 2 engineers and an assault.. was awesome:)
Can only play it @ like 50/60 fps pretty fucked, other than that. Awesome
Oh fuck I started playing as a medic and now I'm only 1500 points short of getting the defib unit and being credit to the team.

Unlike *most* of these stupid kidmedics that aimlessly run around and shoot at stuff. I atleast try to find a decent squad (and if none are available I just look for some random group of people and follow them around and help them) and then heal and stuff.

The voice communication seems to be broken though - it'd be a nice feature to actually talk to someone, text chat is quite cumbersome.

I hope I could find nise guise to play this with me in a squad over Ventrilo or something.
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