Tutorials - remove timelimit

I've just tried to post 2 tutorials but gotta wait for awhile, can you remove the wait please admins? You only allow tutorials after reviews anyway.

Thank you
wigga plz
wigga plz get on irc
cant man im copying cds for my dad, no ET for me today :<
but you can browse crossfire.nu... stop kidding me and get on irc
It seems like tutorials must be viewed by admins before being added into the tutorial list. So, he needs an admin to add them with other tutorials.
spamblock i guess
spam incoming
i heared you were good at it!
good old times but then the spamblock came:'/
yes that was a black page in crossfire history :<
best time erver on cf, remembrer loekino, heidenreich, one4one idle and all this good stuff we had :(
yes that were some times!!!
why can't you just wait?
ffs impatient ppldotn even know the word wait!!!!!!!!!!!
true true^^
Because I'm gonna post like 6 tutorials, so why should I wait 1 hour before posting another :/

Not wasting my time waiting.
post it tomorrow
Your tutorials are crap and useless. First learn how to program then try to teach someone else something.
+ get some info about what a tutorial exactly is :-/

e: I rlly don't get why they allow your tutorials :S
Look, they're not really aimed at tutorials or noobs. I am just putting the code here for people to use. If you're not able to use Visual Basic then you're doing it wrong. Go back to the basics and learn them, this is not for you I guess.

I haven't seen anything from you to be honest, perhaps you should make some code and show me up... I just submitted another 1, this is aimed at the people here, so have a look when it's accepted.
You clearly are the noobish nerd here.
Ur code is of no value. Not to noobs - no explanation. Not to more advanced ppl - crappy coding.
Tell me how that's crappy coding? Give me one example of the wrong coding method. Go on please amuse me... exactly, you know fuck all.

Since it is supposed to be a tutorial i think you should use model view but okay.. I'm only supposed to comment on your crappy (structural programming :() coding.
Lets quickly over this: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=tutorial&mode=item&id=141
#For tutorial purposes you might want to add where you found the messengerapi
txtEmail.Text = "" - use txtEmail.Text = String.Empty
Using "" will cause vb.net to create an object

Dim Write As New System.IO.StreamWriter(SaveFile.FileName)
Write.Write("Email Message! " + ControlChars.NewLine + txtMessage.Text)
Catch ex As Exception
#Hey it didn't work.. lets do nothing
End Try

Bar.Value = 5 #We didnt do anything yet but hey, were making progress
smtpServer.Port = (txtPort.Text)
Bar.Value = 10 #This will only slow down your application..
smtpServer.Host = (txtServer.Text)
Bar.Value = 20
smtpServer.EnableSsl = True
Bar.Value = 27
mail = New MailMessage()
Bar.Value = 39
mail.From = New MailAddress(txtFrom.Text)
Bar.Value = 50
Bar.Value = 60
mail.Subject = (txtSubject.Text.ToString)
Bar.Value = 80
mail.Body = txtMessage.Text
Bar.Value = 100
MsgBox("Message was sent!")
Bar.Value = 0

Error catching :-/?

Overal: Do some error catching.. Use USEFULL names in your coding certainly when your not going to submit the entire application project.
Silent nerd is silent nerd
ur the new attention whore i think
Go away tbh, you only reply to my topics to get attention. I wasn't seeking attention actually, if I wanted attention I wouldn't get it on Crossfire. Perhaps you should take a look at your name, mAu, now add an s to the end, and you call me attention whore?

And new? You're new.
no im it allready since 3 months or smth ( attention whore )
and btw where is the fake if i write it like maurice it looks ugly so i need one big letter mauRice looks like jaymod
mAurice looks just awesome so just gtfo Daenji faker
indeed man, it's looks fucking awesome
indeed mAus, it's looks fucking awesome
Wow it looks just freaking awesome guess i should do something similar I guess digits are soooooo 2001 :<
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