New Moon Official Trailer 06-30-2010

Everyone loves New Moon watch the new trailer D;

[video]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/video]
Will never watch any film or trailer about twilight.

Edit your journal and make it about butchji pls
herr butchjii !! respect :D
Plus fucking one
new moon 2011 ? wtf dude :D
I hate Dakota Fanning so much.
i wasted 2 and a half hours of my precious life on twilight and around 30 euro's to see this absolute shit movie omfg ! :(
There was never a movie after which I was so out of words than the first Twilight.
I just didn't have words to express how bad it was.
dunno why all the girls are so obsessed on that faggot
Homosexuals usually have that effect on women =dd
You mean "Twilight: Eclipse" Official trailer? Change title nerd.
Whoever likes Twilight is either gay or a 15 year old girl
looks shit, but bella looks hot
the movie is actually great so stfu everyone
grow the fuck up kiddo
you are officially gay
If vampires dont die when they get into the sunlight, a movie is automaticaly BAD
Yes, Im officially gay!
Fucking Kirsten Stewart! Why take a Vampire or an Werewolf if you can have a nerd like me?
agree with everyone here, who dont like the movie. After watching the 1st part i couldnt understand, why so many were like wtf nice movie omg! Didnt even watch the 2n part. Like someone said: shit movie is and stay shit
twilight was shit but i managed to watch it all.
new moon was so bad i just skipped through it.
new trailer looks ridiculously bad.
why the fuck do people watch that shit.
worst direction, script, actors ever..
and bella is definately not hot or a good actress.
I've seen New Moon yesteday. I liked the first one but New Moon.. it's nice but such an open ending.. I mean, untill the next one is released I need to watch this one again to refresh my memory ;d
I'd do her tbh...
I would have done her 2 years earlier when she was in Into the Wild :) now she's all "vampires & werewolves are going to highschool LoL"
today i wachted second part :D I love it still :P tralallalala <3

edit: Isn`t it Gifted :D ?
haha ye the movie is pretty awesome ;)
Have read 3 books and still like girls.
Must be hax
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