Timothy's rare goodmorning journal!

Goodmorning /c/rossfire!

So here i am, being awake for more than half an hour already, the world looks very weird in the morning :o

Had a nice cold shower to wake up, followed by a cup of dark roast coffee and an old fashioned morning cigaret. (nothing beats that)

While writing this awesome journal, iam eating some scrambled eggs with bacon, white beans in tomatosauce and some saucages (sounds familiar eh british fags?)

Eventho i only slept like 2-3 hours, i feel great! :)

Gonna work from 6:30 till 13:00. visit the barbershop afterwards have some lunch and powernap when iam back home.

Imma wish you a very nice saturday, blessed by the one and only Juize!

Love, kisses and hugs <3

Last song i heard before falling asleep:
Just finished Sons Of Anarchy season two, started from season 1 on tuesday :) Now watched nearly 8h straight, didn´t feel like drinking today.

Happy saturday and sauna for everyone.
Soa? Good, not sure why I haven´t watched it earlier.
sticky plz
have a nice day, sounded like a very good start!

another journal in the evening would be interesting.
ill be on a business dinner tonight, free food + drinks!:D so no evening journal;)

glad you liked my morning-glory-journal tho:)
bein made to the one and only blackpool today...... >_<
sup arteta!
Morning? I'm about to go to bed.

Just whacked out a mad Crash Bandicoot 2 session ended with my first game of touhou in over half a year!
same and feels shit

the going to bed part.

guess its too late to change, im even doing this in work days
Crash 4 president!
back from zeh cklub thx to format:b
jet - thimothy
nice nice. I just woke up and my gf was next to me.. great start too eh :D
stick it in her while she sleeping she will have a nice dream
oh i read she will have nice ice cream :o

nice fluid vanilla ice cream, if you know what i mean
si thats why i was shocked for short moment^^
zo verhuizen kerel :D eindelijk op kamers
haha nice!

ik kom binnekort wel ff langs:)
iscool man, tis echt vet geworden, in 1 avondje helemaal ingericht, zit hier dik te chillen nu man, ownt thuis wonen dik hard :P
now u love ur name eh :DDDDDDDDDDD
haha i always loved my name :) but people have been calling me tim all my life.. which is a shitname! but since a year orso everyone finally calls me timothy since they know its my fullname ;) even some of my friends call me timothy:D

weird story, i know ;)
i just brushed my teeth with a bottle of jameson

image: jameson-whiskey image: Item_Bottle
haha nice:D

you should try to brush it with chivas regal next time, way better !
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