just checked out the trailer of brink .. saw a trailer of crysis2 after that ..

i wonder why crytek (or whoever is doing it) are braggin so fuckin much about their
damn engines .. gameplay sucked ass and other stuff aswell in crysis1 / crysis 1.5

there are other engines with kickass lightning,coloring stuff ..

check it out here and discuss !
what has gameplay to do with an engine?
Everything :D
if you wanna drool over some good looking 3D Engine, then get Quest3D v4 and do
your own worlds .. but if you wanna enjoy a game then yea .. you understand i hope.

crysis gameplay wasn't so stunning .. rather boring. but the crap looked nice ..
people bought it because of how nice it looked, not because of the game itself ;)
I always thought gameplay is mainly built upon storyline, climate, etcetera and nice looking graphics (engine) is only a cool addition. If thats what you're saying, I agree.

But you're asking why the guys are bragging about how cool their graphics are thanks to their engine. Why not?
yes that's what i meant.

well, they're acting like they're the only one being cabable of coding stunning engines.
but it's actually not that way. their cryengine2 (crysis?) wasn't that good BECAUSE
not optimized, buggy, and very very damn resource hungry.

look at unreal engine3, superb looking, optimized, working on lots of platforms,
fast, and juicy ;)

that's why i don't understand why crytek are braggin so much. unreal engine 4 is in the
making and will be the most used engine once again.

i hope carmack will have a nice idtech5 .. haven't seen stunning stuff of it yet :(

besides that, i'm from a scene in which artists are by far better than any game engine
developer. most people are from this scene. DICE and the people behind the riddick
games for exsample are from this scene ;)

the "demoscene"
thats the point of this game, technology demo :D but I played 20 times or so, liked it a lot :p
maybe cause Im graphic freak
well i also like juicy graphics .. i doubt ue3 is on it's limit yet.
there are always new game titles coming out with this engine which always
look better than the games before it ..

as i said, there will be others bringing out engines which are as good or even better
than this turk engine. i never said the cryengine3 sucks. i just don't like their
braggin additude
They are trying to sell stuff
nice facial expressions
Crysis was actually one of the few realistic FPS I enjoyed. Blowing korean heads in a sunny authentic tropical island envirnoment is damn fun.
looking a spec on 360 it will damn hard for crysis to run on there compared to 5870 for example etc seems like it's going backwards not forward
cryengine 2 & 3 r most powerful game engines ever made dude, maybe only Unreal Engine 3 is close (but UE3 is a diffrent tool anyway)
Quotei wonder why crytek (or whoever is doing it) are braggin so fuckin much about their
damn engines .. gameplay sucked ass

engine is bragable, you didnt see them bragging bout their gameplay did you? invalid argument
i did .. and wasn't stunned .. :D
youve seen them braggin bout their gameplay?
yes .. back then
sickest engine ever
Looks really authentic but obviously that stuff wont pass here as a ET community.

3 hs and strafe or gtfo
I had allot of fun playing crysis, dunno why everyone hates it. It's not super awesome or anything but it was quite a nice sp ride :>
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