Dragon Age

how do i make lesser injury kits + health poultices? im about to do the ozammar quest and they guide said its hard so i want to be prepared :(
any other advices? like special shops / good places i can buy ingrediants / weapons / armors

i have long + shield shield is 4.00 armor and sword 9.80 damage :D
plate 14.00 and blabla
what the F
It's not hard.
hell naw nigger.
you can read what u need from recipt... if i remember good dalish trader got the recipts + ingredients

but watch out they are pretty expensive u know :]
ozi is not that hard, the problem is that is really long and boring.

i suggest you to bring many healt potions. final boss wont be that easy
u mean branka/golem or the brood mother? both were quite easy... but rather long fights :<
ye, well I played at max difficulty and i remeber branka were like immortal xD

btw kits are made by herborists so use your healer for do them
ow... i played @ normal... that may be difference...

however i find fight against this dwarf thiev pretty hard...

ow highdragon and flementh were also hard to beat
yea flemeth and the big drake on the mountain, i skipped them because it was impossible. flemeth killed my whole group in one hit xD
(late comment)
tried to kill flemeth few days ago, when i was lvl 8, did NOT expect her to turn into a bad ass dragn and wipe my ass in 2 pieces, lol
i only have like 2 great poultice and 10 lesser poultices..i dont know where more to buy or how to make them
ive purchased recipes for them, but still no idea how to make them, where to buy etc...
wynne is lvl 4 herbalism so i can make all
mage can make them if he is skilled enough in herbalism and got ingredients... just click the herbalism icon on quickbar :D
you need to buy recipes from vendors, then you can make them if you've skill in herbalism. i remeber vendors were in elfs camp, in the main city and in the mages tower
so all i have to do is click the herbalism icon and then choose the ingrediants? (i have purchased the recipies)
and i have no elf camp in my map :/ wtf and mages tower i guess u mean the circle thing?
u must have it on the big map, it is the camp in the forest but u must remeber that every place have different things.. like circle of mages has lyrium for mana potions, elf camp has roots for healt etc

ye u need only to click on it, and if your pg is enough skilled he will make it
dalish camp... rightside of the map... u dont even have to choose ing. Just what potion u want to make
1 sec I'll take a look
Herbing or so!, and what difficulty are you playing?
Mhh, I am not sure how hard it is then, but if you know what you are doing it shouldn't be hard at all tbh :D Just have a healer in your group and you should win.
healer is needless!

Morrigan ftw!!! as long as u can shatter you enemies its easy...

lack of Morrigan in final stages made my team weak :<
Don't ha elf camp :((( dono why
except for morrigan, what are the best companions?
LOL its some kind of a bug... reinstall game or something... There are pretty good items to get in dalish forrest, and the trader there got limitless elfroot

Oghren and sten are pretty kickass :DDDDD but dont use them both![same skills]

If u have mabari dog hes also great!

Waynne if u need massive healing[f00k that just pwn them with morrigan]... pretty usefull character...

Zevran can also be good if u can use him correctly... stealth will p00n
Found elf camp, had to go to some city and some chat etc
btw, what about alistar?
I have morrigan, wynne and alistar, any suggestions?
alistar is good tanker, but mabari dog is better than him... but if u dont have him already u wont get him... so stick with allistar or kick him and take some dmg dealer like sten or oghren...

it also depends on your class!
I'm a pure warrior.. But not so good one, lol
alistar keeps dying to me all the time, eventhout he had high cunning ang ok armor
youre char is using shield? so use stern to give some massive dmg... and use yourself as decoy... there is this skill... threten ... use it so enemies will concentrate on your char and sten will bash them :]
Ok I'll give it a go( yes have a shield)
yeah its not hard, just a grind. i think you gotta upgrade your herbalism to make shizzle like that. gl :)
im downloading it for like 2 days or so. Is it good?
Am not a fan of rpg's and the start was bbooring
I have played it all day for the last few days, says enought? :o
sounds exactly what i need :)
best rpg i played in a while.
i slept with that elf bitch, haha
now that whiny nigger ran away to the woods, crybaby
which elf bitch? :D
Well you don't really need those potions if you are playing on normal and if you have a good mage with you. If I was short on heals I used 2 mages, one spirit healer and one with just healing spells. If you specced them good, you also have 2 petrifies and 2 force field spells, which you can use to control the stronger mobs or save your own teammate.

IF you really want to make them, make sure you have the recipe purchased from a vendor

EDIT: To make them, go to the skills or talents menu (whichever it was) and click on the herbalism icon. You should get a menu with all the things you can make
then i must suck real hard...without the potions i get bahsed real quick (on most battles i use 1 -2 potions)
wynne barely heals, that bitch, and never revives
and she always out of mana...
you should pause and control your mage though :P
At level 8 I was getting bashed so bad when I didnt have a good healer with me, but once I figured out how important it is to have a good magic user and to control him well enough, the game was a breeze.

You can set the mage his auto-tactics if you know what you are doing, but otherwise its best to remove most of those and just control the mage urself.
but i like my warrior :(
If you dont want to control your mage, try searching the web for good settings to put in the tactics tab
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