Steam Vitals
14 Mar 2010, 14:39
Steam vitals
1100 games.
140 million Steam achievements unlocked.
1 million active Steam Community groups.
10 million Steam Community profiles.
237 countries.
25 million accounts.
2.7 million concurrent peak players.
21 languages.
500 million minutes played per day.
13 billion minutes played per month.
750 terabytes delivered daily during Holiday Sale.
200+ gigabytes/second of bandwidth.
20 petabytes of data delivered per month.
1 Petabyte (PB) = 1 024 TB / 1 048 576 GB / 1 073 741 824 MB / 1 099 511 627 776 kB
Holy shit :o
I was under the impression that there are only 195 countries in the world, where are these other 42 coming from...?