formula 1 first race!

great first race of all! yermans will win at the end !

vettel did great race although he had probs! schumi will do it better next time;)

nice 2 see formula 1 again and its more than exciting!:D

love goes out to my buddies <3

random song:
i never liked him and still nothing changed
same, i liked the bmw team =)
nice legs btw :D
ill remove it!
no you wont!
Quote by Dezire alonso - vettel - hamilton

2 out of 3, im rly good! im so happy schumi is gone from ferrari, now i can be finally a fan of ferrari, certainly now alonso is there :]
scheiss spanische mistfliege^^

we will see next races :)
alonso > schumacher

thats how you takeover!
hahahaha made me laugh! hahah alonso is the biggest tard ever!!!
look that takeover, you need some serious balls for that
haha :D
dont like schumacher too.. too bad vettel had probs :(
vettel is nice, prefer him over massa!
nice legs btw :D
I was really hoping for Vettel to win :((
same! he did nice race anyway till the end so i guess the next races will be exciting as hell! good race!
Vettel > all today
dont like f1 that much.. and schumacher just said in an interview why:

"you have the start with some little battles, then the next highlite is the box-stop.. for the rest everyone drives behind the other one and thats it"

motogp & rallye > f1
yeah, Schumacher was also right about the smaller front tyres, especially since the heavy fuel-load it would've been nice to have the regular grip at the front.
np 4 SpainALONSO!!!
"great first race of all! "

dont know which race did you watch but it was boring as hell...
even dakar more interesting
:o i always loved watching dakar
Sebastian Vettel, can't get a more shit name, especialy the first name tastes like shit in the mouth.

schumi > * >:-(
Could have been more intense, although there were some good 1on1s :)
I'm not too impressed by the new rules…
sharing points the much is shit idd!
True. No refuelling took away an extra opportunity to pass opponents in the pits. It's also worrying that drivers can never really push the car to chase someone, it'll only end up in ruining the tyres.
The race reminded me of 2005, when everyone was slow as fuck cause they weren't allowed to change tyres.
After the long waiting of the winter, it was a bit disappointing. Everyone was trying to keep the tyres alive and the pace was horrible. I hope the teams will be able to use the experience of the first race and the next races will be more exciting.
Schumacher will win this year, he just need get used of racing again :o)

when he last time won, he was AMAZING..
nobody can win with a shit car
dunno bout that, Mercedes never managed do anything cool, he should drive with Mclaren or sommin like that, Ferrari sucks anyway
Go Mercedes :D
tbh formula is way more boring without adding fuel :<
since when do you like f1?
wooot? i watched it a long time, stopped after schumu left and they changed rules. also i miss kimii, i loved to watch him. and now at least schumi is back and i hope it will be an exciting time! :D
I dont care about schumi, but I recon you do since yer yerman.
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