Bots for ET
15 Mar 2010, 09:09
Hey, im sitting at school and I need someone to link me some bots that I can play against in ET. And I think I need to be told how to install it and use it.
thx bb
thx bb
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
just like a mod ( etpro / jaymod whatever start et load it and start a local serv )
Now once you are in the game, you can start adding bobots. To do that, you should use the "addbot" command. Here's a description of it that I found:
/addbot [team] [class] [name (optional)] [skill 0-5]
/addbot allies medic 1
/addbot axis fieldops BOBO 3
The [team] is either "allies" or "axis"... I think you can also make bobots spectator but that seems like kind of a pointless feature...
The [class] can be "medic", "engineer", "fieldops", or "covertops". As far as I know there's no soldier class implemented.