Bots for ET

Hey, im sitting at school and I need someone to link me some bots that I can play against in ET. And I think I need to be told how to install it and use it.

thx bb

just like a mod ( etpro / jaymod whatever start et load it and start a local serv )
Which one of them should I take?
omni bots or bobot i guess
it is shit ... , download FRITZBOTS
To play with the bots, first of all download the Bobots and install the windows version (or whatever OS). It should create another link on your desktop with a modified icon that says "BB" on it. Use that shortcut to get into the game. Then, Host Game, and set Game Type to "Campaign". Then, in the list there should be something that says "[RW] Bobots Campagne" or something like that. Launch that.

Now once you are in the game, you can start adding bobots. To do that, you should use the "addbot" command. Here's a description of it that I found:

/addbot [team] [class] [name (optional)] [skill 0-5]
/addbot allies medic 1
/addbot axis fieldops BOBO 3

The [team] is either "allies" or "axis"... I think you can also make bobots spectator but that seems like kind of a pointless feature...

The [class] can be "medic", "engineer", "fieldops", or "covertops". As far as I know there's no soldier class implemented.
Thanks - Praccing for lan bb
thank you very much :) Do you know about any kick commands? as /kick bot allies or smth?
what a polite , well mannered young man. good job! i approve of this journal! :D
u look scary :) no offense
I'd consider fritzbot the easiest to setup oO
we need one that supports etpro :(
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