the pacific!

out on torrents since this morning. part 1 didnt dissapoint, its goonna be GREAT! :D:D:D
As I said, it didn´t hook me on as BoB did, though I might have had too big expectations of it... Not such a good episode by their standards, though I will surely continue watching it, maybe it grows to something über.
How about it's only the first episode? ^^ bobs first episode was truly nice, yet really boring on most parts
well, also bob had better story / more known story to tell, but it's still waaayy too early for u to judge
bob in the begin was also the boringestest part
Boring? I loved it, had some time to get to know the characters and some of their nature before jumping to the field etc. But well, maybe this is just because of it´s complete awesomeness, I hope I shall grow into pacific as well, not judging yet :)
overall it was the boring part!
i wouldnt exactly say this first episode was boring tbh...

bob just had a very different start to things.. then there was first time to get to know the characters better like thomm said, whereas in the pacific it's still a bit unclear at times. but i reckon we'll get to know them well enough in the next few episodes and i dont particularly mind this new concept tbh=O)
not boring, but the most boring part of the series =________=
seeing as you cant possibly already know that this will be the most boring episode of the pacific as it has only just started i take it you must have misinterpreted my earlier comment which was referring to the first episode of the pacific rather than of BoB
you mentioned the beginning of BoB "also" being boring which i was commenting on!

that being said, i wouldnt specify the first few episodes of BoB as boring myself, but would rather compare it to a diesel engine which has to start up slowly and steadily but will eventually turn out to be very powerful and impressive >_<
godverdomme doe eens niet zo moeilijk
but the first episode in BOB was the same. setting the scene, the characters, showing you who was who, and who you were going to miss later on when they died :P

i think it will be better than BOB! but only time will tell....
Well, we´ll see. In pacific there are less "main" characters so it is pretty much up to their actions. Gotta see at least 2-3 epi more before judging, just talking about first impressions here.
ack aye it aint no wee jobby thats for sure!
downloaded gonna see before sleepytime :) sure hope it can keep up with bob.. must've watched that 1000x
i got it from a private site i use.... :<

btjunky had it also though. great success.

i got the 720p one. but its not on there :(
better watch twin peaks
and spielburg has had his best time too i think.
downloaded it but i still have a shit load of movies i downloaded burned but didn't watch yet :p
wow just saw first episode and it really delivers :) just amazing at how they set the atmosphere imo :O)

and my god is this caroline dhavernas beautiful :D was hoping to see a bit more of her :(

anyway i was really impressed with ep 1 :) when will this be up for downloads ? every other week or every week? what day?
Every sunday evening on US, downloadable via torrents around 05-06 GMT.
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