heroes of newereth RAGE

Oh my god, i just dont get... I had like 1600 points, 100% chance of win from over 20 games.. and since then, i i have like 1400 BECOUSE I ALWAYS HAVE FUCKING NOOBY TEAM..srsly, i havent won any single game since then. i just dont get, how could it possibly be?
Isn't it, "Play hard, Go pro' ?
me as teammate = instawin! :D
I'm scared to play because I think I'll suck and make everyone angry :'(
everyone's first time goes like that
But I feel like I have to know what each heroes role is first and shit and know like approximately which items to get and what its skills are but there's so many of them and meh :-(

avoid easymode and try to play singledraft alot so you get to play alot of different heroes.
Hmm, that's helpful I suppose :-)


Already watched and read some other stuff so that I know the basic stuff :-P
i had someone to help me out in the beginning when i started dota, helped me alot.

as long as you're not a hopeless cause i don't mind playing with you
I did play some hero wars at WCIII and I'm not a total retard so I suppose I'm not the biggest noob around.
ur not alone :x
trust us, it wont take you longer than a few weeks to play on an average beginner level. and with time you will get better, this game ain´t hard. i started with playing legionaire only when suddenly realizing i could pwn many asses with a carry hero :D nowadays i also enjoy playing support tough i dont get much chances to do so
actually, i do more enjoy playing support than carry.. bad thing about this is, that u never have good team where they u use ur support..
exactly the point :)
karwik and sarwik :P
ya but we played dota so doesnt rly count as first time
well that's true but i've never played a real "clanwar"
haha me2 !

iedereen wilt me kicke en zegt je moet dat doen en daarheen blabla

snap er geen bal van haha:D
What you need to do pal, is chill the fuck out.
Says razbo, king of the e-rage
Am I playing tonight or not?

Need to cancel Bingo if so.
Well I've got work tonight so if you could play instead of me?
I could. 21 CET?
Yeah. Meez will fill you in on the pro strats.
Well if they're gonna pick those heroes..
Last night we got rolled by a Rampage with 4 sets of boots
It wasn't just him. I found some skilled 5v5 on irc and they knew we were lowbobs so they had a Rampage with 4 sets of boots. End score was like 41-34 to them when we conceded, but something tells me they weren't playing seriously.
play with mates, not with random em fags
joining an 1600+ em game is fun as hell, if you got some mates x))
usually the host and his team got 100% em games you can bash them easy
to bad i gotta stick with pub atm :<
happened to me like 100s of times
just create yourself a room and check everybodys profile before starting
sometimes you have a noobtime, sometimes your opponents have a noobteam... thats the game and if you play enough games you'll find YOUR psr because you can make the difference. You can be unlucky to have 5 feederteams in a row... but then your psr is lower and you can carry your team to an easy victory in a lower psr game
I mean, when i played dota, it was like 3 games out of 5 were pretty balanced, and two games were just rubbish, and feedeing with ownage from the second team. But i can hardly remember balanced game on HoN.. Maybe its the em, but i am used to it, i played dota for three years with em, not becouse i am noob, becouse i get bored farming 10 minutes for bracer...
yeh EM makes it very unbalanced.. if someone gets 2 kils hes like 3 levels ahead....
please stop playing EM :$ HoN without em is way better
Aahahahha the amount of "hon pros" with advice here is just too entertaining.
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