Contract Mobile Phone !

Need a new mobile phone :O

~ Contract (Pay Monthly)

~ No more than £20

~ Unlimited Texts

~ No more than 300 mins

~ Free Internet would be a bonus !
BB ofc!!
order it and ensure, that my wage will be payed
If you have the money, buy a iPhone out right. Then sign up to iPhone simplicty its sim free and you can cancel it when you want and its a iPhone!
i buy iphone without contract for 250 :/
Yes you can buy the phone out right, then sign up to a contract.
nono just 250 :)) no contracT!!: )
lol I think you missed my point :)
oh god... "... and its iphone.." And what? Am i supposed to crap my pants? Iphone si the biggest overrated piece of crap on the current market.. seriously, for price over 750euro, you can get WAY more better mobile phone, and anyway, i dont see the point of paying so much for having a fucking apple in ur pocket..
If i was you i'd just go into phones4u / carphone warehouse and give them the list that you want and see what they can offer.
random prepaid card + re-charge codes (?) for 1/4 of the usual price :P
1. Get free O2 sim from online
2. Top up £10 each month
3. Receive Unlimited texts & internet
4. ??????
hmmmm i need an O2 contract, but one with unlimited texts and no minutes...

i say i need O2 because i get 30% off o/
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