windows vista -> W7 mail files

if you upgrade from vista to W7, you don't have an mail or so, but, where do i find the email files i had in my vista windows?
i don't know what you mean
my god, i really knew this will happen :P was thinking wether to keep or delete this sentence
OR... you could try to explain it better? ;)
if you upgrade from vista to W7, you don't have an mail or so, but, where do i find the email files i had in my vista windows?

more serious: when you upgrade from one windows to W7, and you use the default windows mail you had in the old windows, there is no windows mail in W7 or so, and i can't find the old windows mail files that i had on my vista windows (as in emails and so)
Hmm can't help you there meight, perhaps use gmail instead!
my father uses windows mail
It is part of 'Windows Live' download that, and live mail is on there :)
i mean the files, the email from the mail i had
Not using IMAP o.o?
no idea what's that
i myself don't use the mail, it's my dad who did the upgrade and now wants his mail files he had on his vista mails, but he can't find them
i don't know what you mean
i don't know what you mean
im 12 years old what is this
do a search for outlook.ost
do you mean the outlook mails?
if it's office 2007 they're probably included into some .psd/.pst or what ever data (don't ask me where you can find that one :P)
if that one is gone there's (except you do some sort of recovery) no way for you got get your mails back afaik
well, i didnt touch anything, all i did was upgrade from vista to W7, it alerted me that there is no windows mail in W7 or so, but i don't think the files are deleted / gone, they must be saved somewhere in the windows?
siL said outlook.ost, did u mean that in ur first sentence?
also check my reply to cocksan
in office 2007 those emails are saved in a .pst file, so i think it still has to be somewhere :P
(don't quite remember if you have to manually create one before, but i doubt it
at least it normally contains all the options selected in outlook, and if mails are saved locally probably those aswell, not 100% sure though)
i think u must save them before upgrading to a new OS
im polak and what is this shit?>
SystemDrive:\Documents and Settings\YourLoginName\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{GUID}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

Thats patch for w2k or XP, dunno where vista stores thoose files


C:\Documents and Settings\lem0n\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{EC879730-7AAA-459D-8913-0008654B18A2}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

Its possible you will need to change some rights to get there.

If this not exist, try searching for folders like "Identities" and check inside

Last resort: search for files with extensions: *.dbx

EDIT: As SsAP said, Outlook from Office use files like *.pst / *.psd if you were using Outlook Express then search for *.dbx
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