Need help with HTML


Im trying to make website (just for fun). I have everything done, but I want to make a website where I can edit text in browser.

So basicly I would not need to start adobe dreamweaver to edit "News" or any text.

How do I do that... with JavaScript?

Links or tutorials would be awsome :) thank you crossis
joomla or any other cms
A bit more than HTML you're going to need, as said above, use a CMS
to actually create content and save it, you'll need a server-side framework (php, j2ee, ..)

javascript is just executed client-side and won't affect anything.

use a CMS, it'll be the easiest
to demostrate my extensive knowledge on this subject i suggest you use a CMS.
i bet you dont have a php/sql server so you cant really do it
Thats the problem :P
you can store data in the flat files.
edit: still php/asp/coldfusion/other_scritping_language is inevitable
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