cfg prob :o

got this cfg from a m8 cause mine is shit
the maptime is in the leftern corner on bottom
the spawntime ( in yellow) is in the rightern bottom corner
i want to have it directly under where the fps are shown, but i dont know how :(
image: 20100317173854spdeliver

plus random girl
image: 14_1227006000

sry 4 engrish
shes not random
who cares shes hot
b_altHud 2
b_altHudFlags 7
hater je delete me zelfs uit je shoutouts !:(
hamster kacknoob!!

someone had to say it!
nice try biggest noob on örs"!!!!!
HATERRRRRRRR IK HAAT JE .. niet eigenlijk :( maar ik verander het wel joh
i think that cfg is shit 2
volgnes mij wel ja :P

maar heb veranderd
lol that config looks RLY shit
much better than my old
nice replying skills.
dont know exacts but its something to do with


experiment with different numbers
i really hate those polished photoshopped pics...
dl my cfg at my profile
got it thx to all the helpers
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