
Anyone played this game??? I'm thinking about downloading it... it supposed to be some Shooter with Rpg elements and shit?? it looked really cool in some trailer.

btw: downloading Zombieland now to watch tonight with some mates, smoke a joint with it. Is it any good??
Zombieland is great.
cool thought so :D:D
It's pretty good...somewhat like STALKER but its overall better, has better graphics and less bugs...

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Great game except for the running around with two max five bullets the entire god damn time.
i dunno man i have only been playing 10 mins but i got plenty of bullets... what difficulty you playing??
The hardest one. :)
ye im playing normal so maybe that has something to do with it :D what chapter are you at??? i'm at 5 now hope there is a lot more :D
i heard theres no quick save and check points, so it's rather seriously annoying...not really planning to dl it
downloaded it and there is checkpoints... :O
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