HoN players needed.

Need 2 HoN players to play with me, fredd and Meez.


- no bads
- non-feeder
- no whiner (we already have us 3)
- must be acquainted with all of us.

Post if you're up to the task. fredd will let you know whether or not you're qualified enough.

image: 5vswf6
Never mind.
Never more

Avi if still looking. :D
So one Q for HON players. I dont know anything about this game how much i have to play to become acceptable good (not a noob) ?
Depends on if u have played dota, if ur a pro in dota, u are almost pro in hon. Thou Nonix said he doesn't know anything about the game, so I doubt he ever played dota.
if ur a pro in dota, u are almost pro in hon.

image: facepalm
Hon is the standalone game of dota u know? Same items, mostly the same tactics, mostly same heros, the timing of attacks for example is pretty much like in dota. So why facepalm? :D
I didn't play DotA but I heard of others that HoN is a lot more gank oriented and overall the gameplay is different. You still gotta put a lot of effort into getting great at HoN, even if you were "pro" at DotA.
Well I did play somewhat 5k dota games or so. The only thing that differs most in the game is that you have to gang more, its just a bit faster (or atleast in spellwise), but to learn those u needn't to play many(50 or more) matches with a team.
there are a few differences. blinking with magebane for example. if you blink with magina in dota, there is absolutely no delay, its instant teleport, in hon there is a 0.x delay, you can notice when you compare them at the same time. and yes, hon ist much faster than dota
actually, as far as i know the majority (if not all) of pro hon players came from dota
Prolly 100% of the top players have played dota atleast a bit.
wer erzählt denn so nen scheiß? :D

hon und dota sind sich im allem gleich, außer das hon besseren netcode hat und generell einfacher für einsteiger ist durch die ganzen casual tips.
mir persönlich kommts nur vor als wäre hon nen bisschen schneller vom movement her, was aber nicht das gameplay ändert da die relation gleich bleibt
willste stress??komm ts3 dann kannse stress haben
i know some dota pro players. they didnt like hon because of the mass rape they always do when playing a game. dota differs in the engine and a few tweaks here and there.
still if you are a total hon noob dont think about playing dota

hon "pro" -> dota experienced~
dota pro -> hon OVERALL champion
+1 lol, I even own with 5 fps in hon :(

or okey I dont "own" with it, but in comparison to the others I do! somehwat average stats for a non em player: 1:1:1.9
150-300 games are okay, highly depends if you have one that is going to introduce you to the game (and advanced strats) and stuff and how much effort you put into learning it... there will be a tutorial in the upcoming patch, id wait for it if i were you
kinda depends on you level of apprehension, your mentality and who you train with. :-DA maybe 50 games if for one somewhat enlightened, to learn all heroes abilities and their behaviours, reading guides help?
avi... add Raunz in game ...
avi, 1720 psr, 650 games, 4% em :(
I can play Jasper. : )
Got a too sucky pc to play hon even somewhat seriously :(
send me invite plz
stop eens met dat kutspel
avi, 2800 psr, 400 games, 10% em
Avi if still needed
option 5: put on heater + hairdryer and get temperature in the bathroom up to 30 degrees :p
Im avi.
i would have played bois but quite frankly a feed n leave is on the cards with the meezstaR playing :(
he didn't end up playing
he didn't even read the journal, just looked at the picture
wat een hond ey jonge!
lemme correct this:

not avi atm
1834 game, 353 psr, 0% win
ik dacht dat jij een leven gevonden had :P
I chill out naked etc...
HoN iz for nerds, Warcraft 3 ftw nerdzzzZZZ
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