My sexual hobbies

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey this is jason from NY, you?
You: Ori from Israel
You: wassup
Stranger: hey ori, are you m/f?
You: Male, 17
You: you?
Stranger: male
Stranger: webcam?
You: Don't have one available atm
You: :(
Stranger: wanna watch me?
You: Mmm ok
Stranger: are you into boys?
Stranger: what would you want me to do?
You: Stick your three fingers in your nose
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

What went wrong :(
I'd say it was this bit:
Quotefrom Israel
i read hobbits >_>
Small guys with hairy feet.. whatever floats your boat man!
y im disappointed now
instead of reading Are you m/f? I red Are you milf? :D
u never chat with me :-(
So lets chat now!
jews and their noses..
you got it wrong
der typ wollte einen satz wie: "soll ich meinen penis reiben" oder so, aber reso hat gesagt"Stick three of your fingers in your nose.. "
geschieht dir recht! jizzer!
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