if i want to make a pizza #2
18 Mar 2010, 21:53
continuing my older post today: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=95749
here are the results:
quality sucks, looks much sexier in rl
the lucky ingrediants:
awesome garlic and tomato sauce, mozzarrela, chedder, yellow, fetta and bulgaurian cheese, musrhooms, corns, onions, olives and lots of garlic
here are the results:
quality sucks, looks much sexier in rl
the lucky ingrediants:
awesome garlic and tomato sauce, mozzarrela, chedder, yellow, fetta and bulgaurian cheese, musrhooms, corns, onions, olives and lots of garlic
i told you that all you need is cheese, tomatoes and loads of pepper.
190° & wait 21 minutes
dont try adding alot on top of eachother. Too many flavours will overrule others(for example fetta has a way stronger taste then mozzarella so putting mozzarella there is useless).
Keep it simple: base tomato, area's of cheese. then top it with only 3 ingredients max.
for example. A special cheese, pepperoni, union
ham cheese pineapple
tuna mushroom vegatables
and i ate a lot
bertolli pasta saus (garlic)
rasped cheese
paprika (only red)
vegeta (ppl from east might know this spice)
and enjoy eating the mother of all foods
pizza burger
go fuck urself real hard piece of shit
edit: its funny, but im not racist and i have nothing against Jews
(lol?) hahaha : DDDDDD
for you <33
but seriously .. i wont know what sausages are made of. -.-