was ya doink ther!"#)0+???

Teele ütleb: Liidaks sind ja mind, lahutaks riided maha, jagaks su jalad kaheks ja korrutaks sind terve öö!!

Teele says: Add you & me, delite our clothes down, divide your legs to 2 & multiply you all night long!!


What ya doing thar ?
DJ Psiho - Live at Design of Love 5 - 2001-12-26.mp3

waiting for ppls to wake up!
and waiting for another gaming period ?
no, basketball ofc.
toots võtad teele ära?
vaikselt liigun sinnapoole jap.
he's basically taking riverside song then and singing it too you :p
Sooo old.
image: rhAjR move to europe & ur new not " too old like always"

btw your face is a lil bit weird, smells like ur fag : D
Hahaha, well I don't think I have any problem getting girls, seems I have had much more pussy than you.

Seems to wonder why I get all the girls looking at me smiling :).... I guess it must be a queer thing, why would you notice how 'good looking' I am?:)
maybe yeps, but those pussys are fucking overfucked anyways: D.

Plz u can't get any normal looking girl, so don't wonder too much : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Show me a pic of you please... I seriously want to see :D. I wonder why you rate other males? Gay much?
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